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48 Contoh Teks Drama Bahasa Jawa

contoh teks drama bahasa jawa

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Gambar Contoh Teks Drama Bahasa Jawa Lucu 6 Orang | Aliansi kartun 0

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Contoh Naskah Drama Bahasa Jawa - Contoh AJa 3

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Contoh Teks Naskah Drama Bahasa Jawa - Contoh Soal

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Kita melihat satu bersatu ya, mulai dari contoh teks Drama dulu. 1. Contoh Teks Drama. CONTOH TEKS DRAMA 2 ORANG. Judul: Sahabat. Pemain: Tono dan Lulu. ... CONTOH … 13

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Contoh Teks Dialog Bahasa Jawa 2 Orang - Berbagi Teks Penting

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[Music], so, [Music], hello everybody and welcome to the music, of java before we get started i'll tell, you a little bit about myself, my name is sean hayward and i'm a, performer and researcher specializing in, the music of java, now as you might have noticed i am not, javanese i'm originally from, ventura california but i've been living, off and on in indonesia for about the, last five years and at the moment i'm, coming to you from the house of pajoco, waluio who some of you may have already, met, in jakarta indonesia, so i'm going to jump right in for those, of you who have taken gumlon courses, before, some of this might be a little bit of, review so please bear with me uh in this, course we're going to be going over a, lot of things but for this first day i, want to just kind of introduce the, instruments and we're going to talk a, little bit about yeah what is gamalon, and how does it work, today is going to be a lot of, information and it's going to move, pretty quickly so if you don't catch, anything, right away don't worry it's all going to, come up again as we're actually learning, how to play this music, but today we're just going to begin uh, kind of going over some of the basics, so first of all what is gamalon gamalon, is one of the many traditional musics, from indonesia gamelan specifically is, found mostly on the islands of java and, bali there's a lot of different styles, but the style that we are going to be, covering is the classical central, javanese gamelan style, so, where does this come from, this is a very old classical music we, have evidence of it the earliest, evidence going all the way back to the, seventh century, and it mostly developed in the classical, courts of jakarta also known as yogya, and, also known as solo, basically the word gamelan it can refer, to a whole collection of instruments, like this is a gamelan behind me it can, refer to a group of musicians as in i, play with a gamelan or it can refer to, the music itself like i love listening, to gomolan something like that the word, actually comes from the sanskrit word, gamel which really just means hammer, and why is that for maybe obvious, reasons but most of the instruments of, the gamelan the most well-known, are actually struck metallophones, meaning they have keys that are made out, of metal in this case bronze and they, are played with mallets there are other, instruments as well including drums, bowed fiddles flutes, plucked zithers etc and we're going to, get to all of that later but for right, now i just want to introduce the, instruments to you kind of one by one uh, in a kind of categorical way and then uh, we'll jump right into some learning how, to read the notation and actually follow, along, with some pieces of javanese gamalon, i want to thank you all again so much, for joining joining this course i'm, really excited to share this music with, you in my humble opinion it is one of, the most beautiful and complex forms of, music, ever created, by humans and, i'm really happy to be able to uh to, work with you on it, i wish we could all be together so that, we could play this music which really, comes to life as an ensemble but in the, current situation we are going to make, the best of it we are going to do what, we can and uh i hope to make this a, really a really wonderful course that, you can get a lot out of so thank you, again all so much for joining me and, feel free to reach out to me anytime if, you have any more specific questions or, anything like that, okay so i promise for future lectures, we're not going to be using, powerpoint presentations too often but, just for this introductory introductory, one while we're going over some of these, more theoretical things i'll be using, this a little bit, so first of all a little bit of review, uh what is gamalon, here you have some of the information, that we talked about before, and just so you know exactly where it is, that we're talking about, java the island of java is one of the, islands in the indonesian archipelago so, in the western part of the indonesian, archipelago directly in between the, islands of sumatra and bali, so, it can be found all over the place in, java but the main cultural centers that, i was talking about before are right, here in central java in yogyakarta, and in surakarta right here, in javanese gamelan we have two main, scales that are used the first is a five, tone scale called slendro, the second is a seven tone scale called, pellock, so for every instrument that i'm going, to show you there are actually two, complete instruments one is tuned in, slendro and one is tuned in pellock, aside from these scales, all javanese instruments are generally, categorized into three separate groups, the first category that we're going to, talk about is call atomic instruments, javanese gamalon is generally in cycles, meaning there is a, single melody or pattern or form that, repeats, over and over and over again or a series, of these different cycles, call atomic instruments serve the, function of marking where you are, of noting the exact location within that, particular cycle, so we're going to look at a few of these, different instruments, the first that i'm going to show you, are is two small single note instruments, right here, kempyang is the higher pitched one, and, is the lower one, the next instrument is called cannon, cannon are all of these large cattle, gongs that are placed around me, [Music], now often times if there aren't enough, people, and canaan will actually all be played, by a single person for most pieces they, don't have to play too quickly so it's, possible to do just as one person but if, you have enough people you'll have one, player for, and one player for kanan, the next call atomic instruments that we, have are all of these hanging gongs, around me, the smaller gongs are referred to as, kampool, [Music], and finally the most important, instrument is the large gong also just, called gong or sometimes called gang, basar or gong, which just means big gong, this instrument marks both the start and, the end of every cycle, the next category of instruments are, called, means skeleton, so these instruments are responsible for, playing the skeletal version of the, melody or the most basic version of the, melody, the instruments in front of me and all, around me are called, there are three different octaves of, sarong the highest octave over here is, called saron pecking or saron paneros, the middle octave is called, and the lowest octave is called, the final instrument in the balungan, category is this instrument called, slentham, somthum has suspended keys and similarly, plays the balongan the skeletal outline, of the melody, [Music], the third category of instruments are, called elaborating or flowering, instruments, just like their name kind of implies, these take that basic melody and they, play complex elaborations on that melody, now these elaborations are different for, every instrument and they're usually, based on what's more comfortable or, idiomatic, for that instrument in particular, these ones next to me are called bonang, there are two different octaves for this, instrument the lower octave is called, bonang baron, and the higher octave behind me these, smaller instruments are called bonang, panerus, again just like for all of the other, instruments there are two scales that's, why we have, two bonanbaru, [Music], one for pelog and one for slendro, the next instrument in the flowering, category is called gender, these are also suspended key instruments, and just like the bon nang before there, are two octaves the lower octave is, called guinder, and the upper octave is called gender, paneros, [Music], uh, [Music], so, [Music], additionally in the flowering, instruments category we have the two, string spiked fiddle called, here to my left and we have the bamboo, flute called, to my right, suling is actually one of the, instruments that we're going to be able, to work on a little bit during the, course of this class, finally in the flowering instruments, category we have the wooden xylophone, also called gamban, [Music], [Music], so, [Music], [Music], additionally there is a box zipper a, little pluck string instrument called, zipper that is oftenly used but, unfortunately i don't have one here so, i'll show you a picture in just a moment, aside from that the other instrument or, not instrument depending how you think, of it that works as a flowering, instrument in the gamal ensemble is, actually the human voice, so the human voice in javanese gamelan, is divided into two different categories, you have choir vocals which can either, be performed completely by men or men, and women and those are called, additionally you have the soloistic, female voice which is called sinden, the final instrument that we need to, talk about is the kenda or drum, now this instrument doesn't really fit, perfectly into any of those three, categories, in some ways it functions as a call, atomic instrument marking the cycle and, in other ways it can function as a, flowering instrument, when gamalon is played together with, dance or with shadow puppetry then, there's a lot of interaction between the, drum playing and the puppeteer or the, drum playing and the dance respectively, now within the kandang there are three, different drums in central javanese, style that are commonly used, the largest drum is called kendam day, the smallest is kandang, and the medium-sized drum is called, the most important thing about the, kendam is that the kendam player is the, one who's controlling the tempo so they, really form the glue of the entire, ensemble everyone has to listen to the, drum to know when to speed up and when, to slow down, so just to review quickly, those three categories of instruments we, were talking about, we have here the call atomic instruments, from left to right we have the gong, the kempool or the smaller size gongs, the kanong, and finally the kempyang and, these instruments mark the important, points of a cycle, and by doing so they mark out the form, of the piece, in the next category we have the, balongan instruments on the left here we, have the saron which are from high to, low we have pecking, sauron, and saron, following that we have the slenthum, these instruments play a skeletal melody, for the piece providing a rough outline, so this is a really stripped down melody, finally we have the flowering or, elaborating instruments, so from left to right here on this page, we have bonnang, which is bonang baron for the lower, pitch, for the higher pitch, in the middle we have sullen the bamboo, the bamboo flute, on the right we have gunder the, lower pitched one is called baron and, the higher pitched one again is called, paneros, so these instruments essentially, take a variety of patterns to fill out, the skeletal melodies so they are, playing elaborations on the melody of, the composition, next up here we have, the sither which i spoke about earlier, we didn't have any in the room at that, time which is a plucked zither played, with the thumbs of both hands, then you have the rabbab a two string, bowed stripe, bowed, spike fiddle, and then you have gambang the wooden, xylophone, and the voice the female vocal soloist, or the geron which is typically a male, vocal choir, and finally the last instruments we went, over were ken dang these are the drums, they are in charge of guiding the tempo, and ali tempo transitions, typically for central javanese gamelan, we have three different drums that are, used the largest kandang day the, smallest katipong and the medium drum, called chiblon, and in some ways they mark out the form, acting as a call atomic instrument, in some ways they fill in some more, detailed playing and they act as a, flowering instrument

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