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› Teks Podcast Sedih Tidak Semua Bisa. Teks Podcast Sedih Tidak Semua Bisa SENIMAN BISU. Wednesday, 8 June 2022. Saat Teriakan Kata Merdeka Tidak Terdengar Lagi. Oleh Muraz Riksi … 0

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Teks Sedih - Blog Yuri

Feb 21, 2021 · Contoh Naskah Podcast. 1. Opening. Hai, apakabar semuanya, Dita disini siap berbagi cerita, tentunya masih di podcast kesayangan kamu semua, kisah cinta kamu, aku, kita. … 5

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The name is Bagas Ali Prasetyo. So much love poem, rain, and another things make me comfort like the smiles of people. INFP and thanks for coming here! 8

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Today I will deliver the Word of God with the title "The Restoration of the Heart", Proverbs 4 verse 23 (NIV) says,, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.", Did you know that our heart is the source of our life?, What is in our hearts will come out through our words, thoughts, and actions, If our hearts are pure, then our words, our actions, and our thoughts are also pure, But if our hearts are dirty, then our minds, our words and our actions are impure, how important it is, for us learn to guard our hearts, In the English Bible, New International Version (NIV) translation, it is said "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.", It is said that our hearts are, the wellspring of our life, that everything we do in life, flows from the heart, Why is it very important?, to guard our hearts, because our lives can't be good, if our hearts are not pure, Our heart determines our life, The source of everything we do in life, is our heart; Do you know that..., God's Spirit dwells in our hearts, In 2 Timothy 1 verse 14 (NIV) says,, "Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you— guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.", Our hearts are the abode of the Holy Spirit, we have to keep our hearts pure so that the Holy Spirit feels at home living there, People who have the Holy Spirit in their hearts, their life will always be led by the God's Spirit, There are many times in this life, when making decisions,, in doing anything, we need wisdom from God, If our hearts are not pure,, we are not sensitive to God's leading in our lives; Matthew 5 verse 8 (NIV) says,, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.", What does it mean ?, A person with a pure heart, is the one who can hear the leading of God's spirit in his heart, There are many times in this life we ​​are no longer sensitive to the leading of God's spirit, Because our hearts are not pure, What defiles our hearts?, What defiles our hearts is... Ephesians 4 verse 30 (ESV),, "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.", Verse 31,, "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander..., be put away from you, along with all malice.", The Bible says, don't grieve the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit dwells within us, and all bitterness, wrath, anger, contention, and slander, those are what defile our hearts, Mark 7 verse 21,, Jesus taught "For it is from within, out of a person’s heart,, that evil thoughts come—, Fornication, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, craftiness, lust,, envious, blasphemy, vanity, stupidity, all these evils, come from inside and defile a person.”, Whoever you are,, you and I, have to guard our hearts, Because from within our hearts, Jesus said,, all these evil things arise, that's why we have to guard it, No one is immune to evil things; Because the tendency..., of the human heart is to produce wickedness, Why do we really need to guard our hearts?, So that we remain sensitive, towards God's leading in our life, We will not be sensitive anymore, when we start to defile our hearts, with sin, with profane matters,, things that make the Holy Spirit not feel at home living in our hearts, Because when we believe that the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts, when we believe that God fills us with His Spirit, we should be led by God's Spirit, Romans 8 verse 9 (NIV) says,, "You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you., And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.", Signs that people are led by the Holy Spirit are..., he no longer lives in the flesh, But if there is a person, who falls in sin again and again,, live according to lust,, always live in greed, contention,, this person does not live led by the Spirit of God, It is often argued, a sign that a person is experiencing the Holy Spirit fullness, is when they speak in tongue, whereas what is more essential is the fruit of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, The work of the Holy Spirit in our lives enables us to live in righteousness, A person who is led by the Spirit..., doesn't think about flesh matters, What is the meaning of living according to the Spirit?, The consideration of our hearts is guarded by God, Consideration of our hearts always, based on the truth of God's Word, When we have to consider something,, when we need to decide about something, our consideration must be like..., "Is this according to God's word or not?, Living according to the Spirit means ..., we always aware of God's presence in our lives, so that we live fearing Him, Strangely, so many Christians are diligent in going to church every Sunday, but from Monday to Saturday..., he is forgetting God, God is just left in the church,, "God, stay well at church, oke! See you on Sunday!", We often do not realize God's presence, Awareness of His presence is the work of the Holy Spirit, when the Holy Spirit is within us, always reminds us that God sees every deed we do, Well, strangely, there is any person, only does the rightouness..., when people around them, whom they know, will judge them if they are not righteous, Whereas, it should be like this..., although no one or there is, we should be aware that God sees every deed we make, Awareness of His presence, Awareness of God's presence is the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts; we are always reminded..., that God sees every deed, It's like a house with CCTV, We have CCTV in our office, I'm sure since there is CCTV, all staff are getting more serious,, and not do anything strange, because they aware that someone is overseeing behind the CCTV, Supposely,, when we have God's Spirit in our lives, we..., realize that God is also watching over our lives, Somone who lives according to the Spirit, always ensure, his life is pleasing to God, We didn't do the sin, not because we are afraid of going to hell, but we don't want to sin, because we don't want to hurt God's Heart, When someone lives according to the Spirit, they will deny their flesh, Their flesh is still there,, wicked thoughts keep coming in, A married wife, a married woman,, can't she..., see another man who is more handsome than her husband, more attractive, and kinder?, Of coure she can do it!, Isn't the wicked thought exist? There must be, But those who live according to the Spirit deny their flesh!, Therefore, when we see a pretty woman,, men especially,, just stare at her once, don't look at her twice, because the second sight is already dangerous, Someone who lives according to the Spirit, is being careful, Don't tempt ourselves!, The sign of someone is being led by God's spirit, he is enabled to live in truth, 2 Corinthians 3 verse 16 (NIV) says,, "But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.", (17) "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.", Where there is the Spirit of God, there is freedom!, When God's Spirit is in us, we are..., freed from the bonds of sin; from the bondage ..., of the sin that makes us always ups and downs, We have a bond that makes us always in debt, There is one pattern, the habit pattern which repeated, keep being ups and downs in the same problems; For example..., keep swearing,, always being rude to the wife,, keep on gambling, keep on stealing, That's the same pattern, behavior pattern,, that never changing, But when someone is filled with God's spirit, when he turns to God,, Where there is God's Spirit, there is freedom, It's actually questionable if someone says, "No, I've repented, but doing it slowly.", What I believe is... where there God's Spirit, there is freedom, The problem is, do our hearts turn to God?, When we want our hearts to be restored, our hearts must return to God, Thankfully, because of the work of the Holy Spirit,, we are always reminded of the righteousness, Romans 6 verse 17 (NIV) says,, "But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin,, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance.", The temptation in our life, the flesh temptations to live in lust and sin are always there,, greedy temptation keep existing, But gratefully,, God's Spirit enables us, to do the righteousness, choosing to obey God, The work of the Holy Spirit sets us free and makes us born again, There is a term for being born again in Christianity, which is when someone is touched by the Holy Spirit, his eyes are open, he realized that his life was in sin and he wanted to turn around and live truly in following God, 1 Corinthians 12 verse 3 (NIV) says,, "Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God, says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one, can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.", when someone can accept Jesus as God and Savior, that is the work of the Holy Spirit, How do we..., guard our heart?, and ensure that our hearts are healed, so that we remain sensitive to God's Spirit leading,, because we realize our hearts are not always pure,, we must always constantly..., come to God, asking God to restore our hearts, That's why we must turn to God, that's the first start, But then how do we keep our hearts pure, so that we are sensitive to God's leading?, so that we are enabled to live in righteousness,, we must have a commitment,, to stop defiling our hearts, There is someone who..., he said like this, "pray for me, so I could repent,", I want to tell you, whether you are prayed by the sophisticated Pastor though,, whether you are prayed by a great Pastor though,, Someone will not repent unless they make a decision to turn from their wicked ways, Repentance takes sincerity, A transformation takes commitment, not only depend on the prayer,, whether you are spat, prayed for, beaten though, you won't change, when your own heart doesn't want to turn to God, We must take a commitment to stop defiling our heart, For example,, when God had cleansed your heart,, God had restored it, but you defile it again; Whose decision then?, We have free will, Let's throw away all that is impure and wicked, James 1 verse 21 (NIV),, "Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent...", Listen carefully, we have to make a decision to stop defiling our hearts, Stop doing what is evil in God's eyes, Leave our sins and our old life, Someone said to me, "Mrs. Henny,..., I want to stop cheating, how do I do it?", I said like this, "Delete your mistress's contact!", "Block and unfollow his Instagram!", "Don't find out more about him.", "But he knows where my house is." "Move to another house!", When we don't want to have any relationships with our mistress,, we have to burn the bridge that connects us to that person, When we want to turn to God,, Don't walk halfway!, When we don't burn the bridge to the old life,, I guarantee..., one day, when we are hurt by our partners, we will call our ex, When we..., disappointed with fellow God's children,, we will go back to our old friends, who became bestfriends, when we live in sin, We start comparing, "It was better that time, before knowing God!", When we really want to heartily following God,, stop defiling your heart, Be careful with what we see, what we watch, what we read, what we learn,, because Jesus taught that sin begins from the eyes, From the eyes down to the heart. Matthew 5 verse 28 (NIV),, "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully ..., has already committed adultery with her in his heart.", I had said earlier, when a man stares at the pretty woman, it is just enough staring at her for once,, staring for the second time, is already dangerous because..., sin starts from the eyes, From the eye down to the heart. The eye is the window to our soul, When we don't want to defile our hearts,, Don't defile our eyes!, Lewd eyes making the heart lewd, Isn't it good to watch a 'fantastic' movie?, it must be interesting, and it is so tempting, But listen carefully, the risk is that your heart will be defiled, I once attended a seminar about pornography, how to get away from pornography?, In this seminar was taught, when someone who are addicted to pornography, they started from viewing the small-scale pornography, they first seeing the picture, then watching movies for once or twice, then they got addicted, the more dangerous is... then, it will make a relationship..., sorry, the sexual marriage, becoming unhealthy, When we don't guard our eyes,, we will again be addicted to the sin, Don't defile our hearts again, The next one, if we want our hearts to still restored, pure,, Have a heart that is willing to be taught, The Scripture earlier said,, in James 1 verse 21 (NIV),, "Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and ..., humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.", Listen carefully,, when we want to keep our hearts pure,, we must willing to be taught, Having a gentle heart means..., wanting to be admonished,, wanting to be taught,, God's word will not change us, unless we do it, When we want to hear God's Words,, don't just only listen, don't just only read it,, God's Word has the power to change, when who is taught is not just listening, but willing to do it, wanting to live in it. It is better we just know a little,, yet we do it, instead of memorizing all the Bible's content, but we don't live it at all, Did you know that the admonition is what keeps us on the right path?, For example..., When someone not..., falling sick, usually they don't take care of their health, There's no fear, to the disease,, they eat anything,, they are lazy to exercise,, when in the pandemic, don't want to wear a mask, lazy to wash their hands, when instructed not to assemble, but they keep assembling, Those who are also married the same keep partying, trying to assemble a luxurious party, and invites a lot of people, Listen carefully,, Lest..., we are exposed to COVID-19, then we understand that it hurts, Have a heart that is willing to be taught, The admonition keeps us on the right path, Proverbs 10 verse 17 (NIV) says,, "Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.", Sometimes we don't realize when our hearts have started going astray,, our hearts have started to..., not being straight and pure anymore,, That's why we need to read God's Word, because when we read the Bible, we are admonished by the Bible, Well, we need to be taught by God's Word, so our heart considerations are always the truth and fear of God,, not just looking for justification, when Christians hear the Sermon that pleases their hearts, will shout amen loudly, but when the Sermon that conveyed offends him, he immediately gets angry, commented loudly, whereas, what is taught is the truth of God's Words, But it's hard to accept it, they just choose the verse that only fits the heart, 2 Timothy 4 verse 3 (NIV) says,, "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine., Instead they will gather around them a great number of teachers, to say what their itching ears want to hear.", I wonder, when I preached, what I preach is the Word of God,, but people who read it, don't accept it, Why is the sermon like that?, I am confused, why God's Word is being contradicted?, it's oke when... for example, I change the words, or I teach not according to the verse,, well, what I taught is according to the verse, but they still keep being angry, Don't choose a verse that pleases our ears!, that pleases our hearts!, when it talks about blessing, then they said amen loudly., But when being taught, they got angry, Listen carefully,, when we want our hearts to be pure,, we must be willing to be taught by the Word of God, For the last, how are our hearts pure?, Don't keep the root of bitterness!, Someone asked me, "Mrs. Henny, how is the key to restore our heart?", "I got hurt by my husband, friends, family."; I want to say this, The key to our hearts restoration is to forgive, Hebrews 12 verse 15 (NIV), "See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God ..., and that no bitter root grows ..., up to cause trouble and defile many.", Don't grow bitterness root!, Because someone who is bitter, stirred up a riot and then defiled many people, See... someone who likes to badmouthing others, they usually have a bitter heart, I believe in this matters..., The work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts is to make us feel God's love, He fills us with His love every day, which enables us, to love everyone, including those who have wronged us, Let's learn from Jesus, Luke 23 verse 34 (NIV), Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”, Let's imagine..., Jesus taught us at the end of His life on earth as the human, The trial that Jesus faced was about forgiveness, On the cross, Jesus released prayers for guilty people, How can we forgive?, Realizing that we can make mistakes, Other people can't be separated from mistakes,, when we can make mistakes,, And when we are wrong we want to be forgiven, Forgive others who are guilty, Don't ever feel like you're always right, because someone who always feels right will always judging others, Don't keep the root of bitterness, People who hold bitterness, will not be happy in their life, My life is easy, why?, Because I don't hold a grudge to everyone, I try to forgive everyone who has wronged me, I pray for them, I bless them in prayer, Bless your enemies, says God's Word, pray for those who curse you, We must learn to do God's Word, Don't keep the hatred, it is no use, it harms ourselves, If you want to be restored,, forgive those who have wronged you, Don't save wounds, don't save other people's sins, It's not our part to judge them, Let everyone deal with God alone, I pray you are restored and God's Spirit sets you free, Let's pray, Father in Heaven, we thank You for Your righteousness, Pray, let Your spirit may live in us, Keep on teaching us, keep on guiding us, and heal our hearts, So we are no longer live in bitter roots, we are no longer live in sin, We can keep our hearts pure, Thank you, Lord for Your spirit that dwells within us and always guides us, May Your leading, Lord, keep being manifested in each of their lives, In the Name of Jesus, we pray..., Amen!

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