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65 Sandiwara Bahasa Jawa Tema Covid 19

sandiwara bahasa jawa tema covid 19


Feb 27, 2022 · Tiga teks di atas adalah contoh bahasa Jawa tentang COVID-19. Berdasarkan contoh di atas, dapat dipahami bahwa cerkak merupakan cerita pendek yang temanya dapat ditulis sesuai dengan kisah atau cerita yang … 0

Sandiwara Radio Bahasa Jawa (Javanese-Language Radio Drama) | Podcast on Spotify

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Where were you?, I went out for a walk., I called you over and over. Why didn't you answer?, I didn't hear the phone., You went for a walk dressed like that?, Why, Kenan? Do I have to wear a track suit?, Weren't you the one who said you were feeling weak, dizzy?, Why did you go for a walk?, I wanted to get some air, so I went outside, okay?, I didn't know I had to ask for permission!, Think, Arzu, think!, There must be a way to get that woman kicked out of this house., Silently and secretly., But it has to be something that gets her out for good., Ma'am. Are you okay?, Did something happen?, Ma'am, you don't look so well. Did something bad happen yesterday?, Yes., Ayşe., She thought she won a victory., What did she do?, It's my turn., Now I'm going to play a game with her., I'm going to do something that'll make everyone who supports her, turn their backs on her., I think you understand my point of view on this field., To be honest, I didn't want it to come to this point., You might get angry at me now, but I'm sure you'll understand later., Kenan., I sold the field., I know, Mom., How do you know?, Because I bought it., This is what's happening!, Do you know where it was?, It was in Ayşe's bag!, What? That's impossible!, It shouldn't have been there., What did we do to deserve this, Ayşe?, Didn't we give you money when you asked for it?, Plus, didn't Kenan give you money just the other day?, Ayşe? Did you ask Kenan for money?, Yes, ma'am, I did, but..., Didn't Kenan give you the amount you wanted?, If it wasn't enough, if you needed more, you could've asked me., Was it worth stealing for?, I didn't do it. I didn't steal., Leaving the house without telling anyone,, inviting strange men inside, whispering behind doors!, Ayşe?, I swear I didn't take it!, God knows, maybe her purse being stolen is a lie, too!, We don't know who those men are., How do we know you didn't invite them here?, Aliye Hanım, the men came over and stayed too long., I mean, even Hüsnü got suspicious., Ayşe. What's Arzu talking about?, Everyone I trusted in this house has failed me., Aliye Hanım. Can you please listen?, You heard what my mom said., Pack up your things and get the hell out of this house!, Ayşe., Where are we going?, I don't know, dear., Please, stop crying., Good news, ma'am., Ayşe packed her things and left., Keep it down., I mean, who could have expected this? We're all in shock, right?, Ma'am, you should have seen her when she left., She left, and she's not coming back., That's it. I won., My God, Ayşe., Lord, have mercy. I'm going to lose my mind., What have you done? What have you done?, What have you done? What have you done, Ayşe?, Ayşe! Ayşe! Elif!, Ayşe! Ayşe!, Where have you gone?, Şerife, what's going on? What are you all worked up about?, Ayşe's gone!, She's gone? Really?, Ayşe?, Yes, darling., Will Mom come and join us where we're going?, Not now, sweetie. Not now., Then, why don't we go to Mom's house?, We will., Just be patient, sweetheart. We will., Now, let's go to the bus stop, and wait for our bus., Come on, dear., Get Ayşe over here., Ma'am, ma'am! Ayşe's gone!, You see, Mother? She proves she's guilty by running away., How could she do this to me? I can't believe it., She tricked us all into thinking she's innocent., She's been fooling us this whole time., It's all out in the open, now., Otherwise, she would have provided some sort of explanation., Am I wrong?, After all you've done for her, this is how she treats you., I'm mostly sad for you., All right, Arzu., Are you all right, sir?, Hasan, what do you know about the history of this plot?, The plot that we plant on?, Yes, the one we inherited from my grandfather., Not much, sir., But I remember hearing something when I first arrived here., They say there used to be a house on this plot, and it burned down., And people died in that house. That's what I heard., What house?, I wasn't living around here back then., I really don't know., So, this fire started on our plot?, Yes. Or somewhere close by., And do you know who those people were?, No, I don't. I'm not even sure it's a true story., What the hell are you doing here? Are you spying on me?, Why would I be spying?, Why aren't you at work right now?, They didn't call me today., Shut up! It's the same lie every day. Do you think I'll keep buying it?, Veysel, they just didn't call me. Why would I lie to you?, You'd better not lie to me., Otherwise, you'd be in trouble., Get the hell out of my way., Are you tired, dear?, God willing, we'll find a place., Let's go, sweetie., Let's go and sit for a while., Something's not right. We've known Ayşe for a very long time., Shame on us, Hüsnü. We did nothing to stop her., Yes., But she left before we could even find out what was going on., But I don't blame her for leaving., She must be heartbroken., Where will she take that little girl?, How will they support themselves?, God, please watch over them., I can't stand all this waiting around. I'll try calling her again., Yes. Good idea., She's not answering, is she?, Of course not. Her feelings were hurt., Do you need something, ma'am?, She has no parents, ma'am., She's a smart, decent and hardworking girl., She won't let you down. Please, do her this favor., How old are you?, Twelve., Education?, Elementary school., Still a student, or have you graduated?, I've graduated., How are you with household chores?, I'm good at them, ma'am., Can you iron?, Can you cook?, Yes, I can., All right. Come here., Is it Mom calling, Ayşe? Is it her?, No, sweetheart. It isn't., God, why must you torment me like this?, Don't be sad, Ayşe., I'm not, dear., You always tell me not to be sad., You shouldn't be, either., May God always watch over you., Fresh bagels! Fresh from the oven!, Fresh bagels! Fresh from the oven!, Fresh bagels!, Fresh bagels! Fresh from the oven!, Fresh bagels!, -Thank you. -You're welcome., -Hello. -Hello., -Welcome. -Thank you., I need some information about a title deed registered under our family company., What kind of information?, About the history of the plot., Sure. I can help. Your name?, Kenan Emiroğlu., Kenan Bey, do you have the title deed with you?, Here you go., Interesting., What's wrong? Is there a problem?, Someone else came asking about this plot. I just find that interesting., Are you sure it was the same plot?, Yes, I'm sure. The section, parcel and block numbers are all the same., Here. Take a look., Please. Correct me if I'm wrong., My family took ownership of this plot in 1988?, Yes, it seems so., So, it wasn't inherited from my grandfather?, No. That's not what's indicated., -Okay. Thank you. -You're welcome., Don't cry, Ayşe., So, where will we stay now?, Are we going to sleep here?, Of course not, sweetheart. Would I ever leave you out on the street?, Listen, darling., Would you like to go to my village?, Your village?, Yes. Do you know that it's a very beautiful place?, There are big trees., There are colorful flowers, and cute little lambs., Cute little lambs?, Of course!, Do you want to go there? Your mom can come with us, too., Let's go there, Ayşe. Mom will be very happy, too., Hello. Hacer? It's me, Ayşe., I'm fine, thanks., Well, I want to ask you something, Hacer., I'm planning on coming to the village for a couple of days., Can I stay with you, if that's okay?, I understand. No, of course not. There's nothing to be sorry about., They grow up fast, don't they? Congratulations., Goodbye., Mother, are you all right?, Şerife!, Yes, Arzu Hanım?, Make us two cups of coffee. Bring them to the terrace., Hello., Hello., Where the hell is the money? It was right here., God damn it!, Was my dad here, today?, Yes, he was., Damn it!, What's wrong?, When did he leave?, Not too long ago., Damn it, Dad!, Thanks to you, I'll finish paying the installments on my TV, Veysel., How about playing one last round?, You lost everything. Haven't you played enough?, Here it is. Let's play., I guess you'll lose that, too., All right, then. I'm in. But don't cry for it later., Murat, get your father out of here. He hasn't stopped losing., Dad., Let's go., -Okay, whatever. -Dad., Okay, I said. Don't make me hit you., Whatever, Dad., Let's start., Ayşe, can I walk around a bit?, No, sweetie. Not now., Ma'am, can you spare some money for cigarettes?, It wouldn't kill you to help me out., Thank God., How did it go?, Not bad. How about you?, It was harder than I thought., Yes, the questions were a little difficult., Look, they've listed the teams for the project papers., Really? Let me see., Damn. Am I unlucky, or what?, Who are you paired up with?, Selim., Hello., I can't believe how callous they are., My God., My dear, God only knows where you could be., Hello., Ayşe!, Thank God! Where are you? How are you, dear?, I went to your room., And when I didn't see you, I was so worried., Where are you? I was worried to death!, Don't worry. We're fine., Where are you? I'll come and see you., I'll tell you later., I need to know, Ayşe., I beg you. Please, tell me where you are., For the love of God, please, tell me where you are., We're at a park., Which park? Where is it?, Next to city hall. Havuzbaşı Park., Okay. Wait for me there. Don't go anywhere., So, what shall we do? We should start working on it right away., -Are you free tomorrow? -No, I'm busy., Doing what?, None of your business. I'm just busy. We can meet on the following day., And on that day, I'm busy., Great., Just cancel your plans tomorrow?, I can't. You cancel yours., I just think, the sooner the better. Or we'll be late., Anyway, we'll talk about it later., It's nice and quiet without Ayşe or Elif., What a beautiful day. Isn't it, Gonca?, Indeed, ma'am. You got rid of them easily. That was very smart of you., And you did well, too. Good job., I knew I could trust you., Thank you, ma'am., The coffee is way too sweet. Şerife can't even make a decent coffee., What's wrong, ma'am?, What's going on, there?, It looks like they're delivering flowers., I can see that, Gonca., I wonder who sent them., Go and find out., But, my coffee?, I said, go. Now., What a wonderful smell., Who is that bouquet for?, Someone sent it for you., For me?, Thank you, Hüsnü., "Get well soon.", There's no name on it., Who can it be from?, When are we going home?, I don't know, sweetie., Maybe we can find a new home to live in., But don't think we're the only ones who are homeless., Come here. Come., Listen, now., One day, upon God's order,, Abraham set off on a journey with his wife Hagar, and his son Ishmael., After a long journey, they arrived in Mecca., At the time, Mecca was surrounded by mountains and rocky cliffs., It was an empty and desolate place., Abraham left them there, with some water and a few dates., Why did he leave them?, Hagar asked him the same thing., "Abraham, why are you leaving us here?", And Abraham answered, "It's God's order.", So, Abraham went on his way., Mother and son were left alone, with little food and water., But they never protested. They trusted God, and waited patiently., Then, what happened?, Just as they were about to lose hope,, Ishmael dug his foot into the ground., And a spring shot up right next to him., And they quenched their thirst with that water., So, they were saved?, Yes, of course they were., I wonder what you'll do when you find out that Ayşe's a thief., Dad!, Dad's home! I'll tell him., Dad! Dad!, Easy, darling., Dad, guess what happened., What happened?, They're gone, Dad. They're gone., Who's gone?, Ayşe and that stupid girl., What are you talking about?, They turned out to be thieves, Dad. That's why they left., Where's your mother?, Upstairs., Thank God!, Thank God! My dear Ayşe., Have you come here to take us home, Şerife?, My sweet little darling., Şerife, you didn't have to come all the way here., Don't even mention it, Ayşe., I went to the guest house, and you weren't there., I can't tell you how sad that made me feel., Why did you leave so suddenly?, What do you mean, why, Şerife? Didn't you see what happened?, I didn't steal that necklace., You don't need to explain anything to me. I know you'd never do that., It's that snake, for sure., We'll all pay for our sins., But it was very painful to hear such accusations., Don't be upset., We'll figure something out. It could have been worse., Amen., Take this key., My friend's mother fell ill., She had to go back home, so she left me the key to her house., I check on the house while she's gone. You can stay there with Elif., Şerife, we can't stay there without her permission., I'm giving you the key. You therefore have permission., Thank you, Şerife. But, no., You're saying, no, but where do you plan on taking this child?, Come on. Don't be stubborn., Just take it., If it'll make you feel better,, I'll call my friend, and I'll explain the situation., It's no big deal. Come on, take it., Thank you very much., The address is on here. Okay?, You surely can't live on the street., Now, I need to head back before someone notices I'm gone., Thank you, Şerife., Elif, sweetheart., Don't be upset, dear. Every day is a new day., Don't be upset., I want an explanation, Arzu. Why did Ayşe and Elif leave?, Will you please calm down, first? This wasn't my fault., All right, then. I'm listening., Ayşe, the person you all love so much, stole my necklace, my wedding gift., That's not true. Ayşe would never do that., If you don't believe me, ask Gonca. Ask your mother. Ask Şerife., Everybody saw it. The necklace was in her purse., I'll believe anything, but not this., So you don't believe your own wife?, I'm telling you, she stole it., I'll find out the truth., Hüsnü., -Yes, ma'am? -Where's Şerife?, She went out, ma'am., Where did she go?, I don't know. She didn't tell me anything., Mom, what's this all about?, Mom, I asked you a question., Why did Ayşe leave?, What's this all about?, I don't know., What do you mean, you don't know? Weren't you here when it happened?, I was., So, how could you let her go?, I didn't., Then, why didn't you talk her out of it?, Don't be so hard on me, Kenan., So, you believe she stole the necklace, don't you?, Kenan! I didn't say that., Hüsnü, do you know anything?, No, I don't, sir., -Do you know where they went? -No, I don't., Where's Şerife?, She went out. She would know where they are., Tell her to come and see me when she gets back., All right, sir. I'll tell her., Saniye., How are you?, I was shopping. My arms are exhausted. And how are you, Zeynep?, Not too bad. Before I forget..., I... I have some money for you., Thank you, Zeynep., I would be nice if you could bring me the rest as soon as possible., Don't worry. I'll take care of it, Saniye., It's just that, they also want the money from me as soon as possible., All right, I said I'd bring it as soon as I could., Come in, Elif., What's wrong, sweetheart? Why aren't you coming in?, I don't want to live in another house. I want my house., Let's just drop off our things here. Then, we can go. Okay?, No, let's go now., Let's go and stay in our house., Sweetie., Ayşe, please take me to my mom., We can stay with her forever. She'll take care of us., How about we call your mom, and ask her to come here?, Will we really call her?, Yes, we will, dear. I promise., Welcome, Zeynep., Thank you., You look tired., The exam was quite difficult., How did it go?, It went well., Go and rest for a while., -Melek. -Yes?, I paid Saniye back some of the money we owed her., Where did you get the money, Zeynep?, I took care of it. Don't worry., How did you get it? Did you borrow it?, No., A friend of mine owed me some money., I just wanted to do something good, and I screwed up., I messed everything up. And now, because of me..., It's not your fault. It's my father's fault., Don't worry about it. Okay?, Quick! Where have you been? I was worried to death., I'm here now. Did anyone ask for me?, Of course. Everyone did., Kenan Bey asked to see you as soon as you got back., Did he say anything else?, No, but he looked very upset. Go on. Hurry., You're still in shock. Aren't you, Mother?, I still can't believe it. How dare she do something like that?, Kenan heard about it, too. He's also in shock., I tried to explain it to him., But he didn't want to believe me. Did you talk to him?, I did., I don't understand Kenan. He acted as though it were my fault., Mom, you saw what happened. What was I supposed to do? Just ignore it?, I didn't call the police because..., That's enough, Arzu., Things are bad enough. Don't add fuel to the fire., Kenan Bey, you wanted to see me., Come in, Şerife. Have a seat., Tell me exactly what happened., Honestly, I couldn't understand it, either., We heard that Arzu Hanım had lost her necklace., We looked for it all over the house., They found the necklace in Ayşe's room., Where was Arzu when that happened?, She was with us, looking for the necklace., What about my mother? Did she try talking to her?, She was in shock., Besides, Aliye Hanım didn't actually see Ayşe leave., Kenan Bey, don't get me wrong, but Arzu Hanım was very hard on Ayşe., She said some cruel things., She had no choice but to leave. She no longer felt trusted., I've known Ayşe for many years., Forget about stealing a necklace., She wouldn't even take an apple from a tree without asking, first., Do you know where they went?, Well..., If you know, you must tell me, Şerife. I'll bring them back., Kenan Bey., Yes, I'm listening., I brought them to a relative's house. That's where they are., Write down the address., Hello, Ayşe?, Melek, how are you?, I'm fine. Is everything all right?, I have something to tell you., Did something happen to Elif?, No, no. Nothing like that. Elif's fine., So, what happened? You're scaring me., We left the estate., Why? What happened?, There was a misunderstanding., Okay., Where are you now? I'll come and see you., Yes. Let's talk face to face., All right. Give me the address, and I'll come over right away., All right, tell me., What's going on? Where are you going?, I'm going to go see Elif., Then, let's go together., You'd better stay home, Zeynep., Your father will be angry if we're both gone when he gets back., Okay. Sure., See you., Kenan. Where are you going?, Well done, Dad. You gambled all our money away., Shut the hell up. I'm already upset as it is., Don't make me take my anger out on you., Would it kill you not to gamble for once?, Are you lecturing me?, Once in a blue moon, we get a little money., And then, you gamble it away., We were talking about starting our own business., Do you think it's easy to start a new business?, I said, shut the hell up. Or I'll give you a beating., We were going to start a car washing business., We can find more money. We can still start that business., Stop whining. That business isn't going away anywhere., All my plans are ruined because of you., What plans are you talking about?, Is that tramp putting ideas in your head?, Dad, don't call her a tramp. She's my girlfriend., You're getting on my nerves! Girlfriend. Whatever., Mom's coming! Mom's coming!, Can you tie my hair up?, I want to be beautiful for my mom., Of course, I can. Come and sit here., Will we go home when Mom gets here?, Let's decide after your mom arrives., I miss my mom very much. I miss Zeynep and Murat, too., -Şerife. -Yes, Arzu Hanım?, I was in the kitchen. No one's around., Hüsnü's looking after the flowers, and I'm tidying up here., Good for you., Do you know where Kenan is?, No, I don't., When did he leave?, I've been here for a while., So, I didn't see him., You didn't see, you didn't hear. Keep this up., It must be here., Mom!, -Mommy! -My love?, -My baby! -Mommy!, Sweetheart!, My little baby., Welcome., Where's Melek?, Well, she's at Saniye's., What, trinkets and beads again?, Are you trying to drive me crazy?, You don't have to yell at me., I swear, eventually, I'll kill you all!, I'll kill you all, I swear!, My love., My little sweetheart., I missed you very much, Mom., I missed you, too., I missed you a lot, dear., When will we go home?, Soon, sweetie., How soon?, Don't ever leave me again, Mom.

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