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59 Rangkuman Buku Fiksi Brainly

rangkuman buku fiksi brainly

√ Contoh Kutipan Rangkuman Buku Fiksi

Buku nonfiksi adalah buku yang informatif, edukatif, dan berdasarkan fakta yang memuat peristiwa kehidupan nyata. Untuk itu, buku nonfiksi sering digunakan oleh pembaca sebagai … 0

√ Contoh Kutipan Rangkuman Buku Fiksi

Ciri-Ciri Buku Fiksi. Mengacu pada pengertian fiksi di atas, kita dapat mengenali sebuah karya fiksi dari karakteristiknya. Berikut ini adalah ciri-ciri fiksi: 1. Imajinatif. Salah satu ciri buku … 1

√ Contoh Kutipan Rangkuman Buku Fiksi

Admin blog Berbagai Buku 01 February 2019 juga mengumpulkan gambar-gambar lainnya terkait contoh rangkuman buku fiksi per bab dibawah ini. Resensi Buku Non Fiksi. Gambar Dari : … 2

Rangkuman Buku Fiksi - Perangkat Sekolah

Di antaranya sebagai berikut: 1. Imajinatif. Buku fiksi bersifat imajinatif dan ditulis berdasarkan rekaan dari penulis. 2. Kebenaran yang relatif. Karena buku ini ditulis secara imajinatif, maka … 3

Buatlah Sinopsis Kutipan Buku Fiksi Tersebut

Ranking Kelas Bahasa Indonesia RANGKUMAN CERITA FIKSI DAN NON FIKSI LENGKAP (Pengertian, Struktur, Unsur, Kaidah Kebahasaan, ... Pengertian Teks cerita non fiksi adalah … 4

√ Contoh Kutipan Rangkuman Buku Fiksi

Buatlah Sinopsis Dari Kutipan Buku Fiksi Tersebut Brainly Co Id . Anak Agung Pandji Tisna. Contoh kutipan rangkuman buku fiksi. Buku ini juga berkesan tidak murahan dikarenakan … 5

Buatlah Rangkuman Berdasarkan Kutipan Buku Tersebut - Pendukung Ilmu

Contoh Rangkuman non - fiksi. 1. RANGKUMAN BUKU Judul Buku : Fundamentals of English Grammar Tebal Buku : 421 halaman Pengarang : Betty Shrampfer Azar Penerbit : Binarupa … 6

Buatlah Rangkuman Dari Kutipan Buku Tersebut - Belajar Online

Contoh dari buku fiksi paralel ialah anjing yang loba, semut dan belalang, hikayah mahabarata. Source: 5 berilah tanggapan mengenai isi kutipan buku nonfiksi … 7

√ Contoh Kutipan Rangkuman Buku Fiksi

Nov 02, 2022 · Pengertian Fiksi – Fiksi adalah suatu karya sastra. Adapun karya sastra terbagi menjadi 2 yakni karya sastra fiksi dan nonfiksi. Karya sastra fiksi yakni merupakan cerita … 8

√ Contoh Kutipan Rangkuman Buku Fiksi

Contoh Buku Non Fiksi Brainly . ... Rangkuman atau sinopsis novel enggak dapat melebar berpunca jalan cerita dan isi berpokok keseluruhan novel. Contoh wacana non fiksi … 9

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Hello, hello friends, meet again with me Muhammad Nur from the channel of the charmedu channel, , which discusses a lot about self-development for all of you. This time I want to try to summarize, a book that is quite thick, yes, smart books, mind maps are now the antonyms of boredom, Ultimate, Book Fair Maps, into a note about the explosion of this book into a note like, this and the notes I made in 2009 ago Spiderman got the picture, I want to re-create this note let's see what the video looks like, Hey, we'll try to make a mind map step by step -steps to summarize a book, like this into a sheet of mind map notes so it seems to describe money from start, to finish before starting, don't forget to like and subscribe to this channel because on this channel, my, team and I will share a lot about the topic of mind map presentations and presentations. the others are for your friends, to be even better for development in Come on, let's go ahead, let's start., What is the process of making the oil good? All of us will try to summarize a book, . So, this is a smart mind map book. Ultimate book of Mad. If we look at it, it's, quite long. how much is this about 220 pages, long player so I read a few years ago then I summarized into a, note The magnetic magnet as you see on the screen here now we will try, How to make step-by-step What is the process of summarizing a book put it into a, mane sheet, for friends who are taking part in this training, don't forget that you have been provided with a, white paper. Hey, it can be printed, yes, this paper can be accelerated. If you want to start from, blank paper, you can use the paper that has been provided. it's much easier even, try to do it together here we can just follow the existing pattern as if it were a combination Make, up your mind between using ballpoint pens and using colorful markers because this Mi is a bit detailed, so spicy it's easy to read easily Let's start Well first of course we will, first write down the title of our corpse roughly Write it down in the altimet book of the mind Maps Now here it is, the title then for this title, so that he is What I'll just draw here a mind map, ,, make, it colorful, so it's more beautiful, please friends, you can be creative with whatever color you like Hi, here's the initial image. First, let's know, the points. What are the points, so if we look at the original book, in Tony Buzan's original book, it's, complete, it contains six, Ms. Mun if I am Well, if you look at it, it seems that, here is chapter 1 about what a mind map is, chapter 2 knows the brain open the space of our potential, chapter 3 the main recipe for success, a place for brain and mental gymnastics chapter 5, physical fitness for mental strength and finally a mind map for daily success, , after reading this book, I prefer to group it into five parts, instead of 6 parts like in the original book. So, because of that, we will see what kind of soup this is,, we can start with what points -points that create Draw it or its branches, so I will first describe the first branch here, here I will write down the aspects of the word, Hi, what is the main map, then the second one we will describe again about the, left brain aspect. This book discusses a lot like what the brain works Then later there will be a story about, how successful people are successful people, what are the characteristics, what are the criteria, then we will, also explain what exercises we need both physically and, mentally to strengthen our ability to think and finally, like what is the, mind map application in everyday life, so here we have how many have five, branches and we give each branch a different color first, according to the, green color first, for the second branch, then I use black, here for the, third branch, we use blue, and finally in this application, I use orange., Hi, now we have has five branches that summarize from the book. Now let's, try to go into the details one by one on what is a paint map, so the first steam is to play,, this is a resort, we need to make a top map, equipment, equipment, what, are the first of course we need paper, yes, we need ballpoint pens, our pens, we need our box, our, brain and here it is, we just have to have a good imagination. What kind of paper, do we need to make this mind map, of course,, blank paper, clean and clean, while we need the ballpoint pen colored pencils or colored markers, fight whatever color you have then other than Hi Sumberd yes what we, need, so playing HP is a tool, what is it for with a mind map we, can make a plan for a planet We can also communicate communicate, an idea a concept one idea we can use for creative aspects We, can also communicate learning to focus with a mind map seeing focus in a problem helps, us to remember and also for us to learn, so learn what first we will be able to recognize, the big picture of something drawn big from what we are studying so here is the quote, anyway mind map Let's give it a color the first minute we were here to make it more beautiful in nanisa in, I used a combination of black ballpoint pens with colored markers So what, makes these details easier to get I color now our branches are like this so I don't know, what the mind map looks like then if let's make it more detailed,, now we can continue this bah This mind map is inspired by the notes of geniuses, in geniuses. What kind of people do they take notes when they, make notes, there is a characteristic that they always take notes, uh, equipped with illustrated symbols,, then maybe there are also Schematic diagrams with codes -the code has graphics. So all kinds of things are, characteristic of the notes. These geniuses are themselves. If you take notes, it's not, just writing, there are pictures, there are schematics, there are arrows here and there, there are plots, who, are the examples of people like that. friends, want to try and see, there are, Hi Leonardo Da Vinci, that's how it's written, Galileo Einstein. Well, we, know him as one of the geniuses. Don't Avail guess, that., the first few stages are strange, starting from what are the main ideas or Central ideas. Second,, we can give pictures picture where in the main cream we can use it. Previously, the main picture was the, SIM Speaker, next to the Central, the idea, then if you don't make a mind map, don't, forget to use various colors, it turns out that there are different colors, each branch is one color, to find out Hi different categories Then later on in each branch, , we will associate each brand here with regard to the seat of the business, then here it is, it is recommended that if we make, a mind map, the lines should be in the form of chord curves. Don't make straight lines that are broken,, too boring, too boring for a mind map. Also try to use one. word, , yes, it's just one word, it's not easy, so if I give advice, if it's very difficult, , just one word, then maybe two words or a phrase. Ma still try to only, show the important keyboard and finally, yes, here is the picture. So here we are For, the first part about the word, now I think this color ah, the train was easy to combine, your friends between writing sticks for Black and White first and then we color it here, we can take a review of what was written in the Genius notes where they, actually used pictures, yes there are diagrams and the codes are also there the symbols have, graphics, who are the characters like that, among which are described in the book in the, altimet book of humans, are Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo and Albert Einstein, there is also, the last femen, some of the first, what are the steps step-by-step? step if we, want to make a good map Start from Central This idea is called centroid, what is the title, then they give a picture SIM so pictures m this is a picture of the theme for magnets, let's see, first what because I wrote a summary of his book Ultimate book of Mind Maps I drew it, a shape like a map as the main image, don't forget to use the colors for each, branch as well iknya one color associate each Sha'ban with a different color the, closer to the center the thicker the further and the thinner use, kvyat shaped lines also try one one word frog if possible if not use phrases and, complete with pictures the pictures we can make the symbols are the schemes, the first point now the second phone call is about the brain so the book in the altimet book of famous, this is a lot of stories about Lucia's brain What does the human brain look like we will see the details, first, what is it like the brain structure of the idea of ​​the human brain, yes, if it can be broken down into, several parts, the first one has a name, this is the reptilian brain, this is the lower brain, we are the ones whose, main function is for our lives, so for play we call the reptilian brain the most, ancient human brain there. distinguish it from other creatures that have other brain parts, that are even more detailed, yes, there is a name a it's the cerebellum only its, main function is to deal with our movement Movement Let's go for our function in responding to, something then there's the limbic system called How does this system tend to be, short, ? If it was described earlier, there is a part of the brain where the bottom layer stops, . The second and last layer is related to the structure, then this book talks a lot about the ability, of the human brain where we are blessed by God in Allah subhanahuwata'ala, a brain that is very smart, and very capable compared to other living creatures. also we can see that our brain has, hemispheres, so it is a large area of ​​our brain, there will be two large hemispheres, there, is a left hemisphere and there is also a right hemisphere. What if the left is related, to words related to numbers and also related to logic in the left brain, it, 's good for details things that numbers, words, can be considered as the digital brain, , while the right one I like the rhythm of the father, rhythm with colors including, imagination, so the right brain brain will want to see the whole picture and this dream later, he will combine How the left brain of our right brain works in a more balanced way, more synergistic, with one another. In this section of the book, facts about the brain are also included. Where is the, fact that, first, there are quite a lot of cells, right? 10 ^ 12, how much is 12, ? 03 is 1000, wants 6 is a million, because 9 is billion, on 12 has moved, trillion, yes, that's, the number of cells, where is this connection. Hey, it's very complex. If you, try to unravel the cells that are connected, they can reach a length of about 768365 cells. our brain, was excited, this was related to the cells then every time every day there are thousands of new cells that, will be regenerated by our system and only this is beautiful, this interesting thing is told so, that the book, if what we understand, can be made by cadres to play maps in our brains, Annisa, asked, it can reach up to 10.5 million, yes, Mio KM is quite long, it's like that,, good friend, we already have it The second point that we fixed at least earlier was that we learned that the brain has, a structure, there is the most basic structure of this reptile structure for us to breathe for, us to carry out our bodily functions, then there is the cerebellum which is the main function for, movement and also Sita's response, there is a limbic system which was short and functions for balance, and there is a cerebrum, which is a large part of the brain and its ability is truly extraordinary, . We should be grateful that we are blessed with a very large brain with a very large capacity and, capacity, where this brain has two hemispheres, two hemispheres, the left and the right, , where the left it's related to the logical number words on the right related to the, color risem rhythm and Imagination is here, if we see, I'll make a little connection here. The small arrow, shows a slight correlation where this part of the cerebrum is unknown. The left, side is the right side, while the others are not very distinguishable, where is the left and right side., Last for this section there are facts about the brain. since in fact it has more than 10 ^ 12 cells the, connection is very complex, very complicated if connected and connected it can reach 768 KM thousands, of new cells keep popping up and if you make a mind map it can reach 10 points 5 Let's go KM to, the 2nd point from record rawon ma'am we can we have summarized 2 chapters of the book, now we enter the, third chapter, here this book explains what is the definition of success. The simple definition, is what is success at first, people fail first, veiler, then with change and try again, for the better, eventually a success will be butchered, repeated again here is a, better thing finally achieved success How these are the stages or steps for success, , this is known as the table, the name is tea cash TF, kh Ahmad, if we describe us, as stairs starting from the trail, first we try something, then by not trying something, there will be an event, this chase event can be good or not it can't be as expected it, can't be as expected it will provide feedback for us with this feedback we will, check what is good and to be maintained or is it still lacking to be improved then from, the video we make the necessary adjustments we Ajas by repeating, this then that someone, God willing, will be successful, this was the definition of success earlier like that, Hi So if you see the first stage or the first step, the trial trail in the trailer, becomes very important to become a person who was successful in terms of aspects of the term, everything will start Even if we fail we don't no matter how successful people are, people who fail, many times li tried again until finally succeeded It took time to succeed with perseverance, with a diligent attitude with sincerity yes by weaving a good process, it will be achieved and the name success is repeated over and over again then we will, become better people from time to time time including Resorts that we get even more and more, will be even better if it is described in a simple theme so what is success, is just draw a graph so success is a function of experimentation with time, the more you try, later, the more successful it becomes, who are examples of people who show such attitudes One of them is, a monument, you know, there is Mr. Edison, Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of the light, bulb, he has a very positive mindset, so he has a positive mindset and he, tries when he finds an object that is more like a light bulb., -other items that are his inventions he has the right to That's a, lot Hi, even hundreds or even thousands of times, he tried this, he's high. It turns out that Mr., Thomas Alva Edison has more than 1000 patents, imagine that one person can have so, many patents, so he is really serious about what he does, his name is a chemist, yes, Merry stole three, as an example, in this book, watch all of us, we, have arrived at this third branch, so if I describe a little earlier, but in bold, what is, the definition, starting from filler, then trying to be even better, and finally achieving, success in stages What it looks like Don't forget to see the name of the TV here for what, we are going to do Oh yes the spray was successful then the start trail is the first step, Start from there, don't hesitate to be dirty, success is always the first step that we will fail later, is okay, with diligence in crafting with the same process we repeat we will achieve success, so repeat that again can produce more h is good from time to time and success is a, function of the experimental function, the more you try, the hedistar will slowly be reached. This, is the most critical stage, examples of people like that are Thomas Alfa Edison, there is, steal, Mirzani has a very positive mindset he tried this thousands of times and he has, so many patents that thousands of us have finished in the 4th Giant of the third part from, where we know it's finished yes in the third part now we go to the fourth part of the exercise what, do you want to know here if you see it here first so that our brains work well, we can, Hi, effective in many ways, we need physical exercise as well as exercise for, our brains. Brown, now, with regards to this physique, what we need starts with we need catfood, around our food. if we eat it, it's not, good to eat garbage, the term is then there is a term "gearbest in garbage out" if if you eat, do n't, eat unhealthy, what comes out is not healthy, it's also certain that this food, must have good nutrition, why does this help in our minds, our brains,, physically, we have to train our posture, we speak, Hi, show our bodies starting from, a standing posture . Sit down and relax, make sure to get used to not having the right posture, for this, also do what is called aerobic activity, you can do aerobics, you can do at least, 30 minutes a day. Why does this create a groove in our body system. Don't forget, to do stretching so it's not stiff we can also use the to whom app for, cooldown and also train our strength aspects and don't forget to take a break now regarding the brain, we have to practice creative aspects so practice creativity we use our brains like, how the brain uses the boss the aspect of guessing the pressure is the analysis aspect also train the creative aspects, by creating associations This ASI can be done through games, one of which is doing, enough repetitions if we learn something. Hi, after studying or taking lessons, , now, do it in three days, then do it later a week, then, now, after that we will be able to remember forever, whatever we remember in, one of the organizing techniques . it's with the repetition process. The repetition process, this creativity, will train our fluency with original strength and also be flexible in, dealing with various situations, try to be flexible in problem solving,, the fourth point is only long enough, so there is a physical aspect, there is an Android aspect., Let's remember that when we talk about food, it's just the right, choose the good, not, the bad, because garbage in garbage out, nutritious food has an impact on, our playing physically. Earlier, we made sure the posture was standing, sitting, relaxed. The, right investor did aerobics for 30 minutes to stay stronger. we do stretch ching is good, when we warm up to start an activity as well as when the cooldown is cooling, or also the strength aspect of our physical strengths don't forget the most important rest to, restore Now, in the brainly aspect, there was an aspect that builds creativity, , original fluency, and flexible, trained using both hemispheres Brain Brain, we train it, with games, do repetition, then that way we will be able to remember forever, you, friends, we have made it up to the 4th part, where is the news and finally, we will see some, of the applications. What kind of mini application can you use personally? Memes can be used for the book of designing, , indeed, if those who design a vision for the future can use the main map, they want to make targets, , they can also want to make plans, they can then mind maps, not only personal aspects, but, also for us to learn, we learn something, then we can also use it for our social activities., Come on we can for professionals too I don't have a job, so we want to learn about a, language. We can write later to summarize the book, as long as we can be social now. We want to, record gifts. For our family, we want to hold an investment event and, we also want to have a family dinner. Saying that, including in professionals,, can be for meetings, for agendas, we can arrange interview questions, we can make meetings, , we can make strategies, etc., if now we tidy up our game, some of this can still, be for personal ones, yes, for making vc, planning targets can be a mountain to learn, learn something learn a language just summarize books for the social aspect we want to take notes give, gifts for anyone to plan dinner together or family gatherings, professionally later on the next opportunity we will learn how to arrange them for meetings, for interviews to make Minutes and be mind map here we are, okay, my friends., Wow, this is quite long, it turns out to be possible. Write this just for me, so that there will be memories, . We just made a mind map to make Manullang. I made it for the first time in 2009 Dimas, , there are many dates and now we just remade it even though it is, more than 10 years old with us making a mind map so we try to move the contents of a, book into a summary and this summary because it is in the form of a magnet we are involved in, creating it, this is done not only by the author of the book but has moved what, we understand even though we are already old enough Alhamdulillah I can still recreate the, contents of the book even though it's not. The problem is the book relies on Needs ah the power of a, mind map the power of a magnet hopefully friends now can see how important it is for us to, learn to make mind maps good friends, that's all earlier we made our mind map, already rang Put a book into a note as deep as a magnet. You can see, , friends, you can see, even though I read this book more than 10 years ago, the contents can still, be captured well, I still remember it well and satisfy the mind map we have,, we can get them old as much information as we have learned before, hopefully this video, is useful for your friends. Don't forget to like and subscribe to this video. Write it in the comments column, if you are happy with my other videos. I will try to make it with the team, believe in life, , see you again in the video. - my other videos are Muhammad Nur Hai see you in the next video bye, hi hi

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