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97 Teks Voice Over Radio

teks voice over radio

How to create a Radio type Voice-Over Sound... - YouTube

Pelakunya disebut sebegai artis voice over atau dubber Dilansir dari Voices voice over merupakan teknik produksi di mana suara bukan bagian dari sebuah narasi digunakan di radio televisi pembuatan film atau lainnya. 0

Voiceover Sample FM Radio - YouTube

Just type some text, select the language, the voice and the speech style and emotion, then hit the Play button. Set back and wait for a few seconds while our AI algorithm does its text to speech magic to convert your text into an awesome voice over. When it is all done, you can click the download button to download your voice over … 1

voice over narration radio voice talent voiceover

voice over narration radio voice talent voiceover 2

Software To Listen Transceiver Voice With Tek Spectrum

Software To Listen Transceiver Voice With Tek Spectrum 3

Pin on Online Radio

Pin on Online Radio 4

Free Voice Over Software : The Complete Guide to Doing Voice Overs Like a Pro | Blog : It is

Free Voice Over Software : The Complete Guide to Doing Voice Overs Like a Pro | Blog : It is 5

Software To Listen Transceiver Voice With Tek Spectrum

The next step is to choose the speed of the voice. You can use the slider to increase or decrease the conversion speech speed. Drag right to speed up and drag left for speed down. 3) Select Language or Gender. There is one dro-down option where you can choose the speech-language. Also, you can change the male or female voice… 6



Cari Tahu Yuk Ragam Tipe Job Untuk Voice Over | Indovoiceover

Cari Tahu Yuk Ragam Tipe Job Untuk Voice Over | Indovoiceover 8

Contoh Naskah Voice Over Iklan - Raga Soal

Contoh Naskah Voice Over Iklan - Raga Soal 9

Voice-over masterclass - The Audio Café

Voice-over masterclass - The Audio Café 10

The Making of an Amazing Radio Voice: Here’s How - Bunny Studio

The Making of an Amazing Radio Voice: Here’s How - Bunny Studio 11

Written by Indovoiceover Admin, March 22nd, 2019

Written by Indovoiceover Admin, March 22nd, 2019 12

How to Get The Radio Announcer Voice Effect - YouTube

How to Get The Radio Announcer Voice Effect - YouTube 13

How to Get a Radio Voice in 3 Easy Steps - YouTube

How to Get a Radio Voice in 3 Easy Steps - YouTube 14

233 best Voice Acting images on Pinterest | Voice acting, The voice and Radios

233 best Voice Acting images on Pinterest | Voice acting, The voice and Radios 15

Contoh Naskah Iklan Radio Lucu - Contoh Resource

Contoh Naskah Iklan Radio Lucu - Contoh Resource 16

The Biggest Challenge Facing Radio?

The Biggest Challenge Facing Radio? 17

Voices (Radio Edit) - YouTube

Voices (Radio Edit) - YouTube 18

Voice training for radio | How to Sing Better and Improve Your Singing Voice | Pinterest | Radios

Voice training for radio | How to Sing Better and Improve Your Singing Voice | Pinterest | Radios 19

How to Get a Radio Voice (That sounds AMAZING) - YouTube

How to Get a Radio Voice (That sounds AMAZING) - YouTube 20

The Voice (Radio Edit) - YouTube

The Voice (Radio Edit) - YouTube 21

Voiceover For Radio Pro's- A Complete Education

Voiceover For Radio Pro's- A Complete Education 22

A simple slice of science - why does your voice sound different on the radio? - Dr. How's

A simple slice of science - why does your voice sound different on the radio? - Dr. How's 23

Contoh Naskah Voice Over Iklan - Raga Soal

Contoh Naskah Voice Over Iklan - Raga Soal 24

Voice Over – Voice Over Artists

Voice Over – Voice Over Artists 25

Radio Voice Sound Effect - YouTube

Radio Voice Sound Effect - YouTube 26

The Voice Radio е номер 1 | The Voice

The Voice Radio е номер 1 | The Voice 27

Jual Radio Rig Motorola XIR M3688 45watt Original garansi resmi di Lapak ICI Store Jkt | Bukalapak

Jual Radio Rig Motorola XIR M3688 45watt Original garansi resmi di Lapak ICI Store Jkt | Bukalapak 28

Voice Overs for Radio Stations |

Voice Overs for Radio Stations | 29

Voiceover - Σπικάζ, Εκφωνήσεις για video - audioart

Voiceover - Σπικάζ, Εκφωνήσεις για video - audioart 30

DIY Toolkit: How To Find Your Radio Voice – Youth Radio

DIY Toolkit: How To Find Your Radio Voice – Youth Radio 31

47 Contoh Naskah Voice Over Radio

47 Contoh Naskah Voice Over Radio 32

Contoh Naskah Voice Over Iklan - Raga Soal

Contoh Naskah Voice Over Iklan - Raga Soal 33

Teks Voice Over Iklan / Dubber Instagram Posts Gramho Com - Pengisi suara iklan indonesia voice

Teks Voice Over Iklan / Dubber Instagram Posts Gramho Com - Pengisi suara iklan indonesia voice 34

hi everyone kevin here today i want to, show you how you could take text and, turn it into speech this is also known, as tts or text to speech, so why would you ever want to do that, well i don't know maybe you want to have, your computer read you a bedtime story, or maybe you want to include your voice, on top of a video there are many, different reasons i've gotten feedback, on my youtube channel that my voice, sounds a little bit robotic so i was, curious could the computer do a better, job than me here's what i pulled, together the kevin cookie company makes, some of the most delicious cookies that, you've probably never had before, if you haven't had a kcc cookie you, haven't had a cookie, find the nearest location at,, and enjoy the best well what did you, think which one sounded more robotic me, or the computer first i'll show you how, you could do it without having to, install any other software you have, everything that you need with windows 10, and then i'll show you how you can get, another application that gives you a, little bit more control, at the very end i'll show you one more, app that gives you access to a whole, bunch of different voices, alright let's check out how we can pull, this off to kick things off i want to, show you how you can convert text into, speech using apps that come, pre-installed and also for free with, windows 10 and the first app that we're, going to use is called onenote for, windows 10. to access this go down to, your taskbar into the search field and, type in onenote you'll see the best, match for onenote for windows 10. click, on this one if you search for onenote, but you don't see anything show up don't, worry you can still get it entirely for, free simply open up the microsoft store, app and in the top right hand corner, click on search, then type in onenote and right here we, see onenote for windows 10. you can, click on that and then you can download, it right here and install it on your, computer with onenote open i've already, composed some text in here that i want, the computer to read to me this is the, text that you heard in the kevin cookie, company commercial to have the computer, read to me up on top i have all these, different tabs i'll click on the one, called view and right here there's a, feature called immersive reader let's, click on that this opens up the, immersive reader and if you've never, seen this before the immersive reader, makes it really easy to focus on the, text that you're reading here you'll see, my text has double spacing also up here, i could change the text preferences i, could change the background theme over, here i could adjust different grammar, options and i could also adjust my, reading preferences so this way i truly, just focus on this content however i, want the computer to read to me and to, do that right down here there is a play, icon when i click on this onenote will, read to me the kevin cookie company, makes some of the most delicious cookies, that you've probably never had before so, i can have it go through and read all of, this to the right of the play icon i can, also click into voice settings and here, i could adjust the voice speed i could, have it go extremely fast or even very, slow i could adjust the speed there, down below i could also choose the voice, that i want to have read to me i could, have a male voice or a female voice but, with this i only have two separate, options, now that we know how we can have the, computer read to us what if we want to, record it so let's say you want to put, this on top of a video or maybe you just, want to save the text so you can listen, back to it later well to do this we're, going to use another app that comes with, windows 10 called the voice recorder but, before we open that we have to make one, setting change, to make the setting change back on your, desktop go down to the search field on, the taskbar and here type in sound, settings let's click into the best match, this opens up sound settings and we want, the computer to record what's being, played in onenote so we need to modify, the input right down here when i click, on input i see all of my different, microphones but i don't see the option, to record system sound and once again i, want to record system sound so it, records what's being played in onenote, here i can go down and let's click on, manage sound devices within manage sound, devices here we can see all of our, output devices we could also see all of, our input devices and down here there's, one disabled option called stereo mix, let's click on that and then select, enable this now adds it as one of the, input devices this will allow us to, record our system sound using the voice, recorder now if you don't see stereo mix, as one of the options and you can't, enable it don't worry the next option, will allow you to do it but it will, require an install back on the main, sound screen under input select stereo, mix this will once again allow you to, record your system sound once you select, that you can close out of this window, now that we've finished making that one, setting adjustment go back down to your, taskbar and now we want to open up the, voice recorder type in voice recorder, and then click on the best match that'll, open up the voice recorder and it's a, pretty simple app you can't really go, wrong with this right in the center, there's a large button that allows you, to start recording let's click on this, now that the recording is active i can, jump back into onenote and i can click, on play and it'll record everything that, the computer says the kevin cookie, company makes some of the most delicious, cookies that you've probably never had, before now that onenote finished reading, all of this text i'll simply jump back, over to the voice recorder here's the, voice recorder now i'll click on stop, i've now finished the recording and i, can jump into the middle of the track, and listen to how it turned out if you, haven't had a kcc, alright well that sounds pretty good, at the beginning it took me a little bit, of time before i kicked off the, immersive reader right here i can click, on the trim tool and maybe i'll trim a, little bit at the beginning and i could, also trim a little bit of the end, once i'm ready to save i'll click on the, save icon and i can either save a copy, or i could just update the original i'll, update the original now that my speech, is ready to go over on the left hand, side i can right click on this and then, i could open the file location this, opens up file explorer and here i see, recording.m4a, i can now bring this wherever i want, let's say i'm editing a video i could, take this audio file and i could drop it, into the audio track or if i just want, to listen to it i could double click on, it and hear the recording of course one, of the downsides is the voice recorder, in windows saves it as an m4a now this, is a pretty versatile file that most, applications will open but let's say you, want a wave or maybe you want an mp3 you, won't be able to do that using the voice, recorder and next i'll show you another, app that gives you a little bit more, control and also flexibility this brings, us to one of my favorite audio recording, and editing apps and it's called, audacity this is completely free to, download and it works on all different, platforms you can download it at, and i've also included, a link in the description on the home, page right here you can click on, download audacity once you finish, downloading and installing audacity, launch the application in this video i'm, simply going to show you how you can, record your system sound if you want an, in-depth overview of all the different, things that you can do with audacity, i've included a link to an introductory, video in the description to record your, system sound with audacity in the top, left hand corner click on this drop down, and select the one that says windows, wasapi, to the right of that we need to select, the microphone you might see many, different options here select the one, that says speakers and loopback this, will capture your system sound once, you've made all those selections we are, ready to go up on top let's click on the, record icon, and it won't start doing anything it'll, add a track and now it's waiting for, system sound let's jump over to the, onenote immersive reader again back in, the onenote immersive reader i can now, click on the play icon and it'll start, reading the text, the kevin cookie company makes some of, the most delicious cookies that you've, probably never had before, once you're done having one note read, your text jump back over into audacity, here in audacity i see that it captured, all of the text from onenote here i'll, click on the stop icon and when i click, on play i can listen back to it, the kevin cookie company makes some of, the most and there i could hear that, it's a perfect capture of onenote, reading that text you can also use, audacity to record any audio source, anywhere so it's a really good tool to, have now that we've finished capturing, all of our audio we're ready to export, it, go to the top left hand corner and click, on the file menu right here you'll see, the option to export and here you could, export as an mp3 a wave and many other, file formats this now brings us to the, third option and this is a freeware app, called balabolka that's the russian word, for chatterer, you can download it at the following, website i've also included a link in the, description, with this tool you can upload a document, and then it'll turn it into speech and, then you can download it as a wav or an, mp3, on the main home page you can download, the application right here once you, finish installing the application launch, it and you'll see an interface that, looks like this, right here you can enter in your text, and right up above you could set the, rate or the speed at which it reads it, you could also set the pitch and you, could adjust the volume, here you can choose from two different, default voices you can also go in and, install more and in a moment i'll show, you how you can access even more voices, here you can click on the play icon to, listen to what it sounds like, the kevin cookie company makes i'll, click on stop right there now unlike the, other approaches where you have to, listen to it and record it here you can, simply export the audio if i go up to, the file menu i can save an audio file, here i could type in a name and i could, choose the save as type i'll just leave, it set to wave and then click on save, and just like that i now have a wav file, here on my desktop of the computer, reading all of this text so it's quite a, bit easier than the other approaches now, i mentioned you can also get access to, many more voices here within the, balabolka app up on the top menu click, on tools and there's the option to use, online tts or text to speech services, let's click on this this opens up a, screen where i can use many different, services to convert my text into speech, here i'll paste in my text up on top i, can choose where i want to save my audio, file and down below i can choose the, service that i want to use here i could, use google i could use baidu i could use, ibm watson i found that ibm watson works, exceptionally well and there are many, different voices that you can choose, from when i click on the drop down here, i'll see some different uk voices maybe, i want to have a british accent narrate, the kevin cookie company commercial, down below i also have a bunch of, different us voices and i have many, other languages to choose from here i'll, go with james from the uk and once i'm, ready to go i simply click on save once, it finishes processing it'll simply, place a file on my computer and it's, called cookie 2. let's have a listen, the kevin cookie company makes some of, the most delicious cookies that you've, probably never had before ah that voice, sounded pretty good to me but once again, you could come through here and, experiment with many different voices, so if you want the ultimate, text-to-speech app where you don't even, have to record the audio you could, simply export it then balabolka is an, excellent option of course the one, downside is you have to install another, app and so if you don't want to do that, you do have some tools that just come on, your computer that you can use, alright well let me know down below in, the comments which voice did you think, sounded more robotic mine or the, computers and don't worry you won't hurt, my feelings, to see more videos like this please, consider subscribing otherwise i'll see, you next time, [Music], [Music], you

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