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60 Cerita Hotel Majapahit Surabaya

cerita hotel majapahit surabaya

Cerita tentang Hotel Majapahit Surabaya | Vlog Niken - YouTube

Originally built in 1910 by the famous Sarkies brothers, the Hotel Majapahit is a classic landmark institution filled with national pride, where history blends with romance and elegance. Its graceful colonial architecture with immaculate … 0

Cerita Hotel Majapahit Hotel Oranye Surabaya - YouTube

Sep 22, 2022 · Cerita Mistis Hotel Majapahit Surabaya, Saksi Sejarah Peristiwa Kemerdekaan Indonesia. TRIBUNJATENG.COM - Inilah cerita mistis Hotel majapahit Surabaya yang juga menjadi saksi sebuah peristiwa sejarah kemerdekaan Indonesia.. Hotel Majapahit … 1

Bikin Merinding! Ini 5 Hotel Terseram di Asia

Nov 09, 2019 · Hotel Yamato kini dikenal dengan Hotel Majapahit yang berada di Jalan Tunjungan Nomor 65, Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Sudut tempat perobekan bendera masih bisa dilihat hingga saat ini. Pada tahun lalu, dalam rangka memperingati … 2

Hotel Majapahit Surabaya: Antara Kenangan dan Misteri yang Terpendam - Birokrat Menulis

Sep 22, 2022 · Usai deklarasi kemerdekaan Indonesia tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, residen Belanda kembali ke Surabaya dan tinggal di hotel ini. Kisah heroik pecah pada 19 September 1945 dan hotel ini menjadi saksi ... 3

Hotel Majapahit di Surabaya, Penginapan Bersejarah dan Penuh Misteri

Hotel Majapahit di Surabaya, Penginapan Bersejarah dan Penuh Misteri 4

Hotel Majapahit Surabaya, Kamar Unik Serba Klasik

Hotel Majapahit Surabaya, Kamar Unik Serba Klasik 5

Hotel Majapahit, Surabaya, Indonesia (2) – My Flying Doctor

Hotel Majapahit, Surabaya, Indonesia (2) – My Flying Doctor 6


hotel-majapahit 7

Hotel Majapahit Surabaya ~ Kekunaan

Hotel Majapahit Surabaya ~ Kekunaan 8

Megahnya Arsitektur Hotel Majapahit Surabaya Ternyata Menyimpan Sejarah Kemerdekaan | KASKUS

Megahnya Arsitektur Hotel Majapahit Surabaya Ternyata Menyimpan Sejarah Kemerdekaan | KASKUS 9

Jelang Hari Pahlawan, Ini 5 Potret Mewahnya Hotel Majapahit di Surabaya

Jelang Hari Pahlawan, Ini 5 Potret Mewahnya Hotel Majapahit di Surabaya 10

Perjalanan Hotel Yamato, Lokasi Penyobekan Bendera Belanda di Surabaya

Perjalanan Hotel Yamato, Lokasi Penyobekan Bendera Belanda di Surabaya 11

Ars Magica Arteficii - Ars Longa Vita Brevis: That 70's Show Part II

Ars Magica Arteficii - Ars Longa Vita Brevis: That 70's Show Part II 12

Promo [50% Off] Hotel Majapahit Surabaya Indonesia | A Hotel With A Pool

Promo [50% Off] Hotel Majapahit Surabaya Indonesia | A Hotel With A Pool 13

Ternyata Hotel Majapahit Surabaya Itu Angker!!! | Terseram

Ternyata Hotel Majapahit Surabaya Itu Angker!!! | Terseram 14

7 Hotel Mewah Dengan Bangunan Kuno Di Indonesia

7 Hotel Mewah Dengan Bangunan Kuno Di Indonesia 15

Hotel Majapahit, Surabaya – knightofmalta

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Mengulik Peninggalan Bersejarah Di Hotel Majapahit Surabaya, Sudah Tahu?

Mengulik Peninggalan Bersejarah Di Hotel Majapahit Surabaya, Sudah Tahu? 17


Pariwisata 18

Hotel Tempat Perobekan Bendera Belanda di Surabaya

Hotel Tempat Perobekan Bendera Belanda di Surabaya 19

Tempat wisata di kota Surabaya yang harus dikunjungi | IRADIO FM

Tempat wisata di kota Surabaya yang harus dikunjungi | IRADIO FM 20

Hotel Majapahit, Surabaya, Indonesia (2) – My Flying Doctor

Hotel Majapahit, Surabaya, Indonesia (2) – My Flying Doctor 21

Mudik ke Surabaya, Ini 5 Opsi Hotel dengan Diskon Hingga 50 Persen

Mudik ke Surabaya, Ini 5 Opsi Hotel dengan Diskon Hingga 50 Persen 22

Hotel Majapahit Surabaya Jawa Timur Indonesia - YouTube

Hotel Majapahit Surabaya Jawa Timur Indonesia - YouTube 23

Jelang Hari Pahlawan, Ini 5 Potret Mewahnya Hotel Majapahit di Surabaya | Indonesian Hotel

Jelang Hari Pahlawan, Ini 5 Potret Mewahnya Hotel Majapahit di Surabaya | Indonesian Hotel 24

virdaayuprameswary | Just another site

virdaayuprameswary | Just another site 25

Menginap di Hotel Tua Surabaya, Saksi Bisu Perobekan Bendera Belanda

Menginap di Hotel Tua Surabaya, Saksi Bisu Perobekan Bendera Belanda 26

Hotel Majapahit Surabaya MGallery in Indonesia - Room Deals, Photos & Reviews

Hotel Majapahit Surabaya MGallery in Indonesia - Room Deals, Photos & Reviews 27

culture + visual + archives: Hotel Majapahit (Hotel Oranje)

culture + visual + archives: Hotel Majapahit (Hotel Oranje) 28

Hotel Majapahit di Surabaya, Penginapan Bersejarah dan Penuh Misteri

Hotel Majapahit di Surabaya, Penginapan Bersejarah dan Penuh Misteri 29

Kata Nieke: Mengintip Kamar Mewah Rp 30 Juta per Malam di Hotel Majapahit Surabaya

Kata Nieke: Mengintip Kamar Mewah Rp 30 Juta per Malam di Hotel Majapahit Surabaya 30

Misteri cerita hotel majapahit di tunjungan surabaya - YouTube

Misteri cerita hotel majapahit di tunjungan surabaya - YouTube 31

Menginap di Hotel Tua Surabaya, Saksi Bisu Perobekan Bendera Belanda

Menginap di Hotel Tua Surabaya, Saksi Bisu Perobekan Bendera Belanda 32

Hotel in Surabaya - Hotel Majapahit Surabaya - MGallery - ALL

Hotel in Surabaya - Hotel Majapahit Surabaya - MGallery - ALL 33

Menginap di Hotel Tua Surabaya, Saksi Bisu Perobekan Bendera Belanda

Menginap di Hotel Tua Surabaya, Saksi Bisu Perobekan Bendera Belanda 34

[Music], so, [Music], [Music], welcome to in bed with luxury, my name is charles peddington, this time our hotel adventures lead us, to indonesia to an island called java, in 1619, the dutch east india company conquered, the javanese port jakarta which they, renamed batavia, batavia became the center of the dutch, asian colonies which lasted for the next, 350 years, the dutch east india company voc, issued already in 1602 shares in bonds, to finance itself and was in fact an, early modern corporate model of a, vertically integrated global supply, chain, wherever dutch capital went urban, features were developed economic, activities expanded new industries, established swamp strain mines opened, canals constructed but of course there, was also the dark sides of colonialism, [Music], java was a botanical paradise for, pressure spices and tropical products, [Applause], [Music], [Applause], [Music], the island was a totally different place, compared with today's world, in 1815 java had only 5 million, inhabitants, in the meantime, incredible, 150 million people live on this island, of the size of greece, it is hard to imagine what a natural, paradise java must have been, in 1900 the population had grown to 35, million among them 80 000 europeans and, half a million chinese, as a legacy of the good infrastructure, built in colonial times java is still, the most developed part of indonesia, and we are going to surabaya now which, was the largest city in the dutch east, indies, it was here that in 1910 a luxury hotel, was opened in presence of celebrities, like the belgian crown prince a swedish, princess and the famous actor charlie, chaplin, it was then called the orange hotel and, later renamed to, majapahit which means bitter fruit and, refers to a hindu empire that lasted for, two and a half centuries and is regarded, as predecessor of modern indonesia, [Music], we are now in the center of surabaya a, buzzing city with a population of 3, million people, a shopping mall though not a very, impressive one is just six walking, minutes away, and here we enter an urban oasis the old, orange hotel from 1910, still exists as a five-star luxury, luxury property, the lobby is like a miraculous time, channel back to another era, the hotel had an art deco overhaul in, the 30s and there was a 50 million, refurbishment by a local chinese, businessman in the 90s, after that it turned into a mandarin, oriental property at present it is, managed by the french aqua group and, branded m gallery, m gallery defines itself as a group of, hotels with stories to tell often, heritage places, the past was not always pleasant, there is a wonderful a model ford, vintage car in the lobby from the 30s, which reminds of a political, assassination, when in 1945 after the end of the, japanese occupation of java members of, the indonesian independence movement, killed a dutch representative who had, arrived with this car and had risen the, dutch flag on the hotel roof, but let's enjoy the splendid, architecture of this magic place, [Music], in europe the most famous hotelier, was probably caesar ritz but in asia, it's the sakes brothers who founded the, first asian luxury hotel chain, they were four armenian brothers young, traders and merchants in their twenties, and they came from isfahan in persia, isfahan was part of the famous silk road, from china to europe but when the suez, canal was opened in 1869, it was the end of the old silk road, so the clever armenians emigrated to, penang today malaysia penang was an, important port and formed with malacca, and singapore the british straits, settlements, with new steamships in the suez canal, the sea traffic boomed and with it also, an early tourism for the rich emerged, the sarkis brothers understood there was, a huge demand but a distinct lack of, good accommodations for business and, leisure travellers, the 23 year old tigran soon followed by, his elder brother martin sarkis started, with a lease of a small compound in 1884, in penang and he called it eastern hotel, they added another one they called, oriental hotel and finally they gave, both of them up and opened the much, bigger eastern oriental hotel in penang, which still exists today, [Music], the next project was the famous, raffles hotel in singapore, [Music], followed by the marvelous strand hotel, in rangoon on the banks of the legendary, irawadi river, [Music], later lucas sarkis the son of martin, went to java and founded the orange, hotel in surabaya which we are enjoying, now, [Music], this photograph shows luca sarkis and, his wife, and a plate in the hotel reminds us more, than a century later that his little son, eugene had the honor of laying the, groundstone for the aranji hotel named, after the dutch royal family, at the reception there is still a big, picture of the beginnings of this luxury, palace, [Music], the sarki's brothers also ran and, operated the sea view hotel in singapore, and the crack hotel on penang hill which, does not exist anymore, so aren't we lucky that this beauty, survived more than a century in such a, good shape, [Music], [Music], so let's have a closer look behind the, impressive heritage doors, the majapahit offers, 143 rooms among them 23 garden rooms and, 89 executive suites, the top suites is the presidential suite, where u.s president obama had stayed, but there are also very convenient, heritage and so called legendary suites, [Music], in a so-called classic room you can, expect 44 square meters in the heritage, suite 57 and in the legendary suite 96, square meters, if you want to know which rooms are the, best, just have a look at our website and we, tell you the best rooms and also the, number of the room lucas sarkis state, when he visited his hotel as an elder, man, but now let's see where president obama, was streaming, this is the presidential suite, there's no shortage of space in the, presidential suite which is laid out on, two floors, and has a size of, 887 square meters, [Music], from his terrace, mr obama had this view, probably decorated with a bunch of grim, looking security agents, the bathroom is huge, but a bit old-fashioned and certainly, not state-of-the-art yet it has its, charm, within this urban oasis there are two, wonderful retreats the pool, and the excellent spa, [Music], the majapahit offers a chinese fish, restaurant, it's called sarkis it's excellent and, you can see it here, furthermore there's a bakery and a cake, shop called tokyo deli and a very nice, pup i recommend it's called march with, live music in the evening, and of course you can always have a, drink and a snack in the lobby, but, there is one magic highlight, [Music], i have seen many hotel restaurants all, over the world but unexpectedly i was, deeply impressed by one of the, restaurants in this hotel it's called, indigo and you can see it here, i was impressed by the quality of the, food, as well as of the extraordinary art deco, interior, the orange hotel was opened in 1910 but, expansions in the art deco style were, made in the 20s and especially in 1936, with great luck much of the interior, design has survived, this is like time travel magic, [Music], this unknown guy, passionately declared that he had the, best tai tom yum gong soup ever here in, the indigo better even than in thailand, itself, so let's order a delicious cocktail here, in the indigo art deco time warp, a sake is romans for instance, or a surabaya sling, or a majapahit cooler, cheers and see you next time at another, in bed with luxury hotel check, your charles paddington, [Music], [Music], uh, [Music], bye

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