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81 Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway Baju

caption menarik untuk giveaway baju

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh 0

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh

Apr 08, 2022 · 2 Bagaimana Cara Membuat Kata Kata Promosi yang Menarik. 3 Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Promosi Baju. 3.1 Caption Promosi Diskon Menarik. 3.2 Caption Keunggulan Produk. 3.3 Kata Kata Promosi Menarik Pelanggan. 4 Tips Meningkatkan Promosi Baju … 1

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju - Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

5. Semakin aktif kalian mempromosikan giveaway ini, semakin besar peluang buat mendapatkan hadiah utama. 6. Apabila sudah selesai melakukan repost, comment “Mission … 2

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh

Oct 13, 2021 · 5. Pakai Kata ‘Cuma’. Beberapa kata yang dirangkai menjadi caption, tidak akan menggerakkan minat pembaca jika tanpa trigger yang sempurna. Kata ‘Cuma’ bisa digunakan menjadi caption menarik untuk promosi baju, … 3

Contoh Caption Jualan Baju Di Instagram | Sekolah digital marketing terbaik di Jogja - Jakarta

Contoh Caption Jualan Baju Di Instagram | Sekolah digital marketing terbaik di Jogja - Jakarta 4

5 Contoh Caption Jualan Baju di Instagram yang Menarik - WAFBIG

5 Contoh Caption Jualan Baju di Instagram yang Menarik - WAFBIG 5

Contoh Caption Jualan Baju Di Instagram | Sekolah digital marketing terbaik di Jogja - Jakarta

Contoh Caption Jualan Baju Di Instagram | Sekolah digital marketing terbaik di Jogja - Jakarta 6

Contoh Kata Kata Giveaway Baju - Pendukung Ilmu

Contoh Kata Kata Giveaway Baju - Pendukung Ilmu 7

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh 8

Contoh Kata Kata Giveaway Baju - Pendukung Ilmu

Contoh Kata Kata Giveaway Baju - Pendukung Ilmu 9

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 10

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway Tas - Little Book

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway Tas - Little Book 11

Contoh Kata Kata Giveaway Baju - Pendukung Ilmu

Contoh Kata Kata Giveaway Baju - Pendukung Ilmu 12

Caption Contoh Kata Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan Giveaway – Berbagai Contoh

Caption Contoh Kata Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan Giveaway – Berbagai Contoh 13

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 14

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Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway Tas - Little Book

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Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 17

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 18

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Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju - Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 19

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 20

Contoh Kata Kata Giveaway Baju - Pendukung Ilmu

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Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway – DIKBUD

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Contoh Kata Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan Giveaway – Berbagai Contoh

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Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 24

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju - Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju - Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 25

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 26

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 27

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh 28

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway Tas – Berbagai Contoh

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway Tas – Berbagai Contoh 29

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 30

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Hp – Berbagai Contoh

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Hp – Berbagai Contoh 31

Contoh Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway Handphone – Wulan

Contoh Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway Handphone – Wulan 32

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju / Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway 33

Contoh Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway Handphone – Wulan

Contoh Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway Handphone – Wulan 34

what's up but it's rob this is apparel, success and in this video here i'm gonna, take you behind the scenes and share, with you the results from a recent, giveaway contest that i ran for my, clothing brand and the reason why i'm, gonna do this is because for spending, only about 30, this giveaway contest received 1, 823 entries that all acted as social, proof for my clothing brand and received, a lot more reach than, the amount of money that i'm spending on, ads on facebook and tick tock and things, like that so i think this video is, really going to get you fired up about, running giveaway contests for your own, clothing brand and show you how to do it, [Music], apparel success is sponsored by my buds, over at design crowd if designs are, something that you struggle with i, really recommend that you try them out, these are some of the best selling, designs on my website and i got them all, made through design crowd if you're, interested head over to, forward slash apparel to learn about the, special offer that i have for you or, simply use the discount code apparel, when you post a project on design crowd, all right homies, it's been a little while since i've made, a video talking about gorilla marketing, strategies for clothing brands and the, reason for that is because i've been, doing this for a long time and this, channel's just peppered with marketing, videos and so i was trying to cover some, other broader topics but i wanted to, dive back into it in this video here and, i think that what i have to share with, you here is going to be really cool for, you to see and it'll give you a lot of, insight into, how to do these types of things for your, own brand so the giveaway contest that i, ran recently was on instagram the way, that i made this giveaway contest was so, easy it literally took me two seconds i, plopped a hoodie down on a table that i, wanted to give away took a picture of it, with my phone, air dropped it to my laptop added a, simple text layer on top that literally, just says hoodie giveaway and then, inside of the caption when i made the, post i just wrote hoodie giveaway tag, your buds for a chance to win our oh, yeah no for sure bud hoodie, uh i said tag as many of your friends as, you want each tag is a new entry the, reason why i did that is because every, time somebody tags their friend inside, of their post it's offering them an, another entry into the contest which is, an upside for them and it's getting the, giveaway contest more social proof it's, getting more comments, so it's working both ways for us so i, say tag as many of your friends as you, want each tag is a new entry to try and, literally get this giveaway contest, flooded with as many comments as, possible now i want to share with you, the results of this giveaway contest and, compare it to the results of some, facebook ads that i've run just so that, you can see how, worth it it is to run a giveaway contest, like this for your own brand and just i, know that some of you are going to say, well i don't have a big following to do, a giveaway contest to that's completely, cool you don't have to have a massive, following or a huge following to run a, successful giveaway contest it's, something that you build up over time, i've run probably you know 300 400, giveaway contests on instagram for my, clothing brand since i started and, literally every time it just kind of, gets a little bit bigger and a little, bit bigger and it's one way of growing, your brand on instagram so, getting into the results here for this, giveaway contest and just keep in mind, that all of these results are from, organic reach organic growth on, instagram i didn't spend a cent on this, in terms of getting it shown to more, people or turning it into an ad or, anything like that okay all this is, organic, the giveaway contest received, 1823 comments otherwise known as entries, into the giveaway contest, 806 likes and it had a reach of 16, 199 people now keep in mind you never, really know what you're gonna get when, you run a giveaway contest like this it, could be one of the ones that hit really, big and get a lot of entries and get a, lot of traffic or it could be one of, those contests that you run or one of, those posts that you run that just flops, that happens to me that happens to, everybody and this is an example of one, giveaway contest that i think went, pretty well i have 31 000 or just over, 31 000 followers for my clothing brand, on instagram and instagram in the past, like two or three years has just, destroyed reach for everybody the reason, for that being mainly that they want you, to spend money on ads to get that same, reach, and so you could have a pretty good, performing post that only gets like in, front of 10 000 people if you have 30, 000 followers so to get in front of 16, 000 for free i'm pretty happy with and, this next part is really important here, the amount of money that this giveaway, costs me to run is about 30, and the reason for that is because i, make my hoodie the one that i'm giving, it away for, for like 23 bucks 22 bucks landed, all that i have to do when somebody wins, this giveaway contest is put the hoodie, in a box and ship it to the customer, which is like shipping's like eight, bucks so at the end of the day i'm, spending 30 dollars on a post like this, that's getting 1, 823 entries worth of social proof, because every single tag, is somebody seeing that post from one of, their friends tagging the minute which, is so much more powerful than if you, just see a cold ad shown to you on, facebook right if you have a friend tag, you in something and they're like this, is sick we need these, then that's so much more powerful than, if you're just you know trying to, cold sell people on instagram so, that's one part of it, then on top of it sixteen thousand, people being reached for thirty dollars, worth of ad spend which isn't really ad, spend it's the money that it costs for, you to make the hoodie and the money, that it costs for you to ship it out to, the customer, is really really low for reaching 16 000, people if you look at some facebook ads, that we've been running with a, conversion campaign, this ad here spent 108 dollars and only, reached 11, 729 people, so, you're getting much more bang for your, buck with a lot of social proof we also, had a huge day on our website because of, this giveaway contest that we were, running because a lot of people would, see it and they'd say uh whatever i'm, not going to win this giveaway or i, don't even care i just want to go buy, this hoodie right now and it was just a, great way of drumming up a lot of, excitement around a product that we had, to offer, you know another part of all this is, that all, 1823 people that engaged with this, giveaway contest and 16 000 people that, we reached with this giveaway contest, are now all remarkable and retargetable, through the facebook ads that we're, running over black friday which is, coming up in three weeks from now and a, lot of these people are now going to be, warm leads that are already interested, in the hoodie that they've seen and when, we hit them with a 30 off offer for, black friday they're much more likely to, convert so i mean you watching this, right now you might not have a big, account on instagram for your clothing, brand and i want to give you some, takeaways here that you can really apply, to your brand even if you're not at the, same scale that my brand's at right now, and the number one takeaway that i want, you to get out of this is that it all, starts with actually having a giveaway, contest of a product that people really, want, like this giveaway contest worked so, well because the concept of the product, that i came out with was perfect for, people and they actually wanted to buy, it so when it comes to running a, giveaway contest even if you don't have, a big audience you want to make sure, that your product that you're giving, away, is it has a concept to it and this is, why getting down to the fundamentals and, mastering the foundation of everything, that you're doing is so important, because if your instagram account looks, great and the concept is tight and the, product that you come out with is, aligned with your concept and people, truly want it then this is a great way, of building up your account because even, if you have a thousand followers, a bunch of them will engage with it, they'll tag their friends in it those, friends will follow you and now you've, built up your audience you've got some, social proof you've got some people to, retarget even though it's not like, thousands of people yet that's totally, cool you got to start somewhere and this, is just a great way if you do this you, know once every week or two weeks, to really build up your account get some, people to retarget and just start, building an audience for yourself on, instagram i hope you got a lot of value, to this video, i like going behind the scenes like this, and sharing with you the details of what, it all looked like so that you can, really understand my thought process see, the results to get you fired up to get, results like this for your own brand so, if you've got a lot of value to this, video please hit the like button for me, it really helps me get these videos out, there and let me know what you think, about all this in the comments below and, if you haven't already check out my free, clothing brand marketing master class, all you have to do to get access is go, to, masterclass and you can watch the whole, thing for free if you made it to this, point in the video i want to tell you, about the closed facebook group that we, have for apparel success there's a link, in the description follow that link join, us in the group and i'll see the next, one peace, [Music], you

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