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70 Caption Menarik Untuk Ikut Giveaway

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Caption Contoh Kata Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan Giveaway – Berbagai Contoh

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Contoh Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway Hp – Berbagai Contoh

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Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Hp – Berbagai Contoh

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Hp – Berbagai Contoh 3

Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway - Benua Ilmu

Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway - Benua Ilmu 4

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5. Semakin aktif kalian mempromosikan giveaway ini, semakin besar peluang buat mendapatkan hadiah utama. 6. Apabila sudah selesai melakukan repost, comment “Mission … 5

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway Tas - Little Book

Apr 04, 2022 · Contoh Caption atau Kalimat Kasih Giveaway untuk Posting di IG. TRIBUNJOGJA.COM - Giveaway adalah salah satu cara promosi dengan memberikan produknya secara gratis untuk orang lain. Kata-kata giveaway yang kreatif dan lucu dapat menarik para khalayak lebih banyak lagi. Dibawah ini adalah kata-kata untuk mengadakan sebuah giveaway … 6

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Hp – Berbagai Contoh

Oct 02, 2021 · 2. Mengembangkan jaringan konsumen. Kata-kata promosi giveaway sangat efektif untuk menjaring konsumen sebanyak-banyaknya. Bahkan, konsumen yang tertarik tidak hanya berasal dari followers Anda saja. Jaringan konsumen akan terus meluas sejalan dengan banyaknya peserta yang ikut giveaway… 7

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh 8

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh 9

yang selalu follow, like, komen, repost , baca caption yang saya tulis => dia akan tahu jawapan

yang selalu follow, like, komen, repost , baca caption yang saya tulis => dia akan tahu jawapan 10

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Baju – Berbagai Contoh

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Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway Hp – Berbagai Contoh

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Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway / Jom Menang Percutian Percuma Dengan My Passport

Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Menang Giveaway / Jom Menang Percutian Percuma Dengan My Passport 17

Caption Contoh Kata Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan Giveaway – Berbagai Contoh

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Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway - Benua Ilmu

Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway - Benua Ilmu 19

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Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway Tas - Little Book

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Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway - Benua Ilmu

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Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway : Contoh Caption Menarik Untuk Giveaway - Sekali

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Contoh Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway Handphone – Wulan

Contoh Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway Handphone – Wulan 34

i just hit 55 000 online all i did was i, came over to this website to claim 150, google ads coupon copy and pasted this, tripwire campaign and now i've seen a, total of 55 000 online with this, affiliate marketing program before we, get started i just want to show you that, this is live proof and that i have, indeed earned from the strategy so what, i'm going to do is i'm just going to, reload this dashboard over here so that, you can see this is indeed my live, dashboard, and here you can see this has been, refreshed and these are my live earnings, and over here if i come over to my, payment settings just to show you how, i'm getting paid from this always, important to know how to get paid from, these things um so i'm just waiting for, this to load up you can get paid via, paypal check to your door or bank wire, where they do a bank wire transfer to, any banks in the world and it will be, converted to your local currency, automatically so if you don't have, paypal just use bank wire or check, this is going to be one of the best, affiliate marketing videos that you will, see on youtube so far this is going to, be a very in-depth course from courses, that i've paid well over two thousand, dollars for here is the information now, on my youtube channel for free most, affiliate marketers won't show you these, kind of strategies using proper, converting funnels with tripwires with, upsells downsells email marketing, sequences follow-ups um all the traffic, methods and most affiliate marketers, hide these sort of back doors because, they would rather make money off of you, teaching you junk now over here on this, video i'm gonna reveal everything to you, open on youtube completely for free this, video has more than two thousand dollars, worth of value at least i'm going to, give you everything in this video which, is an entire traffic course completely, for free my entire tripwire cash machine, for you to copy and paste my entire, email marketing sequence built into this, funnel for you to copy and paste and my, done for you products ready to plug into, this funnel but i'm going to warn you if, you don't have a long attention span, i've done two things for you this is, going to be a very long video i've put, timestamps down below, and this video is available in all, languages around the world if you click, on the cc options or the closed captions, you'll be able to view all the languages, and the captions will change into your, language so if you have a good attention, span and you're willing to learn and, succeed from this this video is for you, if you don't then i suggest you click, off because this is going to be about a, 20 to 30 minute long video um i'll leave, like i said i'll leave timestamps down, below and a lot of effort was put into, this video so i would really appreciate, it if you could subscribe down below to, this youtube channel with the, notification button so that i can send, you a message every time i upload an, epic video just like this one also, follow me on instagram over here you can, follow some of my podcast content dm me, and you can also view some of my trading, results that i post on my stories so, without further ado we can get straight, into this video and the next thing i, want to explain is a brief overview of, this funnel so i designed for you in, which is a funnel, design builder over here, what this funnel looks like explaining, the important steps so that when i'm, actually designing it in this tool and, making it for you for you to go and copy, and paste you understand which step i'm, on and what i'm actually doing so over, here we're gonna go from left to right, we firstly got all our traffic we've got, pinterest email facebook reddit linkedin, google twitter tick tock any traffic, source that you can think of it could be, paid or free traffic we first getting to, have an opt-in page where we are going, to exchange, a name and email with our lead for a, once-off low-cost item for example an, e-book that is marked down from 99, to like two dollars that is what we call, the tripwire is so we need something, irresistible something that when the, leads land on this page they only have, this opportunity now to get 95 off and, buy this now like i said a perfect, example is that ebook instead of 99, you're gonna mark it all the way down to, just two dollars or something crazy like, that which makes it irresistible then, from the opt-in they'll be put into a, follow-up sequence so if they don't buy, this product now the follow-up sequence, is a series of emails redirecting giving, them the advantage of the product and, basically reselling them the product, getting them back to the product to make, that purchase so a follow-up sequence, basically increases your conversion, rates by about 20 to 30 percent, then once they've purchased your small, ebook they're going to be taken to a, one-time offer which is the next product, that also is supposed to be irresistible, for example i've been using the, affiliate program over here cartridge, which i'm going to explain now which i, basically give away about five thousand, dollars worth of bonuses with carter if, you sign up so it's a one-time offer, that you exclusively get from me i'm to, give that to you as well, and they can't actually get it anywhere, else now if they buy this they get taken, to the thank you page where they can, grab their offer if they didn't buy it, they will get taken to an upsell where, they can get my bonuses at even a, cheaper price which they'll then put, back up into a follow-up sequence which, they'll receive a series of emails over, the next couple of days which takes them, back to the offer again increasing your, conversion rate by 30 to 40 so this, upsell is still another advantage point, for you to make even more money over, here and then on the thank you page if, they don't buy this again they get put, up into another follow-up sequence which, takes them back to your one-time offer, page so no matter where your traffic, goes if they click off the page if, they're not interested they will always, be redirected in their emails back to, your one-time offer so something like, this converts super super wild in, something like a a bridge page then, straight to the affiliate offer you need, to have follow-up sequences in between, which all these secrets over here i'm, going to reveal in today's video and, this is information that a lot of, affiliate marketers do not reveal to you, unless you literally pay them two, thousand dollars for their course so, what i'm going to do is i'm actually, going to take you through this entire, funnel through all the demo pages when, you import this funnel at the click of a, button so over here we've got the first, page which is this page over here your, opt-in page now remember you've gotten, all your traffic to this page over here, where they opt in with their first name, and email this is all just template text, over here now obviously we're going to, replace this with the free product that, we're giving away, such as a free ebook or whatever it is, we're using to hook in our leads to this, funnel once they've entered their name, and email they're going to be taken to, this page over here where they can go, and purchase and get their irresistible, course or ebook that's marked off from, like 9.99 to just two dollars or, something crazy like that that is this, page over here the low cost item page, again the checkout will be over here, that just has not been configured yet, you've got an attention getting headline, over here with some of the irresistible, features of this product over here now, if they click off this page let's say, they're not interested they close the, page completely what will happen is this, opt-in page over here has saved them to, a sequence so this sequence will then, redirect them and get them back to this, tripwire page over here which will keep, getting them to buy this product, once they've purchased this it will take, them to the tripwire product so over, here is the one-time offer for example, this is where i place my cartridge page, where i sell cartridge as an affiliate, and give away over five thousand dollars, worth of bonuses over here there's a, short little video obviously we need to, replace all of this and then they can, say yes upgrade for this amount or no, not interested now if they click on yes, for upgrade it's going to take them to, the thank you page over here, with a final thank you page because, they've bought your product now if they, click on no i'm not interested it's, going to take them to a down sell where, you offer the same product but instead, of 9.99 a month for example, you can go grab this for just 29.99 a, month last chance for example and you, want to make it even more resistable, than the original offer page over here, again if they click not interested it, will take them to the thank you page but, they've then been put in a follow-up, sequence over here which down the line, they'll get emails you can offer them, even better coupons and get them back to, your one-time offer page, and then obviously if they buy this it's, gonna take them to the final thank you, page over here which looks like this so, now you've seen what the funnel actually, looks like even the pages and everything, now i want to show you how you can go, and import this at the click of a button, so we can just go and change around our, text according to our product and i'm, going to show you the products i use, that i plug into this funnel as well, we're now going to continue to go and, actually build this funnel so the first, step is you want to come over i'm going, to leave a link down below in the, description to this cartridge tool over, here now if you use my cartridge link, you are going to get over five thousand, dollars worth of bonuses completely for, free you don't have to purchase kartra, um if you ever decide to cancel, then you can keep the bonuses forever, completely for free as a thank you from, me but carter does have a 15 day and a, 30 day trial i think you do get the, option on the checkout, which you can use this strategy within, those 15 to 30 days to literally pay off, your cartridge accounts over again now, what i like about cartridge compared to, builderall and click funnels and those, kind of platforms you can actually, import done for you already made, campaigns at the click of a button which, is a big big reason i moved over to, carter so once you sign up to carter in, the link in the description it's going, to take you to this dashboard over here, you can see all sorts of funnels you've, got youtube affiliate marketing funnels, cartridge bonus funnels high ticket, master class campaigns affiliate, advertorial um lead note your campaigns, extended memberships one page sales, campaigns quick launches simple list, builders the one we're going to be using, over here, which is one of the most highest, converting funnels on cartridge is the, tripwire campaign over here so once, you've found this on your cartridge, dashboard click on the three dots and, click on deploy and it will load all the, pages all the sequences all the assets, the tags to your account all we need to, go and do is is design those pages set, up those forms like i'm going to show, you in this video so once that is done, you can actually come over to my, campaigns over here, just to make sure that it is loaded on, your account you can see my tripwire, campaign has been loaded over here, then what you want to do is you want to, come over to the pages tab we're first, going to go and design the pages you, want to click on new sites over here and, create a new site called tripwire type, in for example trip, wire campaign, and then for the pages you want to go, and select all your tripwire pages so, they will all be in alphabetical order, um they will all have trip on it so here, you can see for example the trip, downstairs all the pages with trip just, go and select that as those are all the, pages in your campaign that you have, imported then click on add over here um, that is now done let's click on done and, you'll see if i click on the tripwire, campaign, because why i'm doing this is because if, i click on all sites i've got so many, pages here it's just a mess to go and, find everything so i've basically, categorized my entire campaign into a, separate category so i can just go and, work with these pages and let's go work, in order according to the final over, here so we first got our opt-in page our, opt-in page over here is this one over, here the trip opt-in page we're gonna, click on these three dots and we're, gonna click on edit over here and then, let's click on edit on the top right so, it can open up this page in the, cartridge landing page builder over here, so here you can see we can now go and, edit this page we can change the text we, can edit our configure form we can do, what we like with this the first thing, we're going to go and do is for our, opt-in page we're going to go and give, away something for free now the idea i, had is come over to, where we can actually go and, get free video courses free ebooks free, music free, uh softwares graphics etc now we're, gonna go and use videos over here i like, to give away video courses and video, content because i find people prefer, visual content instead of reading ebooks, so just click on products click on, videos with resell rights over here so, this means these video courses over here, you are allowed to go and resell and, make keep all the money yourself you, don't have to credit anyone you can use, these products you've given the license, to as your own take a look at some of, these products over here we've got, proven affiliate marketing concepts, engaging presentation formulas three, ways to make money online with arbitrage, now since the main product that i'm, actually going to be promoting is, that's the affiliate, program i'm actually going to show you, uh the entire affiliate program now with, all the possible earnings that you can, make i like this over here proven, affiliate marketing concepts now the, reason why i wanted to go and use this, is because it relates to my main product, so the product that you're giving away, needs to relate to the main product, which my main product is a funnel, boulder now with affiliate marketing and, final building it fits perfectly that's, why this fits perfectly and i'm gonna go, and use this you can go and click on, download over here um which will then, download to your pc and i've got it in a, new folder over here which looks like, this so you you can right click click on, extract here and take a look at all the, content in this video course over here, so if i open up the video folder we've, got when our pc decides to load all of, these 40, full 40 video course over here now this, is completely free for us to go and give, away so firstly if i close this uh and i, come back to the, folder over here and i open up graphics, we've got a whole bunch of graphic, images that we can use on our sales page, so we can go and minimize this let's, come back to our page, a page over here that we are designing, so we want to go and copy for example, this proven affiliate marketing concepts, we can go and replace this with the, title and we can replace that with the, title over here, 40 video, intensive, training we can put here, three, let's go 497, and we can go now type here free for, life, so let's go and highlight this 497 we, want to put a line through this and we, want to make this free for life, much bigger let's just go make this for, example like, 3.0, let's go make the rest of this text a, little bit smaller at one point maybe, six, and let's go and highlight this at a, color make this for example a bright, green, and over here you can see this title, stands out proven affiliate marketing, concepts 40 video intensive training 497, now free for life and over here some of, this content over here we can literally, copy, um, the titles of the other that's on this, page over here on idplr so we can, literally just go and highlight this, text paste this as is um let's just make, this a lot smaller for example like 0.8, we can go and copy for example this, little paragraph over here and use this, as our paragraph on the subparagraph, section just paste it like that this, picture over here click on the edit, style we're just going to go and replace, it with the cover click on image, selected click on upload image come over, to the folder where we saved our ebook, that we downloaded off idplr come over, to the graphics folder over here and you, want to go and upload, for example, let's do, this picture over here with all the cds, all the ebooks and everything in one, bundle picture so that it looks like to, your lead that you're getting a whole, bunch of information for free you'll see, what i mean now click on this image over, here that you're busy uploading just, wait for it to finish click on confirm, and click on apply over here yeah you, can see your image has now been replaced, so yeah you can see this page is, actually looking really good over here, now what we can do is we can just change, this title and we can say, send, to your, email, below, for, free and then what we're going to do is, we're going to edit this form over here, just click on this pen option over here, edit style for the opt-in form we want, to select the tripwire opt-in click on, apply, and over here you can see this is now, complete and then at the bottom over, here where it's got your copyright just, maybe put your name so i'm just going to, go put you for example, 2021 j, from, and then what we can do is this page, first opt-in page is now complete we can, click on actions save progress over here, or publish live so that it saves first, publish live your page has now been, saved and this page is ready to go now, we can continue to the second page over, here which is your tripwire low-cost, system which is your tripwire page over, here so now once this is done um we can, close this, close this tab click on your tripwire, campaign pages and let's go over to page, number two which is this page over here, the tripwire free shipping page where, they can go and get our ebook let's, click on the three dots click on edit, over here and then click on the green, edit button so we can go and edit this, page one thing i forgot to mention we, can't actually go and set this product, for free so we're just going to quickly, go and set this to two dollars because, remember if we set this product for free, it messes up the whole funnel because we, need to actually have that irresistible, checkout over here where they paid two, dollars for our product and then is up, sold to the one-time offer so we can't, actually go and give this away for free, otherwise it skips a whole tripwire page, over here so then let's just go and edit, this text over here for, two dollars then we can just go and, click on file and publish this live, again and then once this is saved over, here, it's waiting for this to done you can, click on close click on back on the, cartridge open up my pages click on, tripwire campaign over here and we can, go and edit page number two which is the, tripwire low cost item page over here so, let's go and edit this page okay it's, the tripwire free shipping page so let's, go and click on edit click on the green, edit button so this will open up in the, live page editor all right for our title, we can go and use the same title we used, on the previous page proven affiliate, marketing concepts for your 40 video, intensive, uh training video intensive training we, can just go make this for example bold, over here for your sub line we can put, your for example, two dollars lifetime, access, then what i want to do is this little, video over here we can actually go and, replace this with an image so we want to, go and close this video click on, components over here click on images, you want to go and drag the image onto, this, same section where the video was and, just go and replace this click on the, edit style, click on no image selected and go and, select the same image over here click on, confirm and click on apply this is, perfect for the checkout page over here, click on the pen, and you will see over here the funnel, gives you some default product examples, already so we've got the downsell the, once i'm offer product two three and, four etc we just need to go and edit, that so come back to carter over here, come back to your my products tab you, will see the tripwire core product, example over here click on that, and over here we'll see uh waiting for, this to load up we can go and edit all, our products over here so the first, product we have is the tripwire one-time, product example over here this is the, product that we're gonna have for two, dollars our little affiliate marketing, course that we're giving away for free, so we want to go, um and edit this over here so we're, gonna click on edit product click on, edit product again type in the name of, the product that we can just go and use, for example affiliate marketing concept, so we can just type affiliate, marketing, concepts click on next click on save and, next for the pricing we want to go and, make this change to two dollars over, here let's go two dollars um, we don't need a shipping cost we don't, need sales tax we don't need to worry, about refund policy leave that all as, the default click on save of the product, pricing over here click on next so we, can go set up our pages so over here we, want to click on um, change we want to change the next page, to our one time offer page over here so, we're gonna go and change this to, the tripped, oto the trip oto page that's the one, time offer click on save over here, click on save and next for the checkouts, we can go and leave all of this as, default you don't have to worry about, this just click on save and next post, sale we want to have further accessing, your product contents over here just, click on change you want to click on a, downloadable file click on no, category in particular upload a new file, and you want to click on upload file, over here and you want to go and upload, this zip folder that you have downloaded, from idpliers your free giveaway so for, example, um, you just double click on it it will, upload and you can click on save over, here once you're done click on save next, and now when people basically check out, with this product over here it's going, to download to their device so this is, now complete come back to your design, page over here click on um file just, save progress of this page and we need, to reload this page to update everything, so let's right click reload after you've, saved it otherwise you don't want to, lose your saved progress click on the, checkouts over here the pain edit style, um you want to click on, select a product that is going to be, your affiliate marketing concepts over, your price point one click on two-step, checkout click on apply yeah you can see, this checkout become public once you, publish this page for the, attention-grabbing headline over here we, can just type it for example, 497 and we can put, 497, we can put a line through this over here, and then we want to just say uh, now, only, two dollars and we can make this for, example a green color so that this text, stands out let's click on bright green, perfect now only two dollars for this, little sub paragraph over here we can go, and use the same for example paragraph, on this page and just go right click, copy come over to your cochlear page and, just paste it over here just like that, we can take a bold so that it looks like, that and now our one-time offer page is, done click on fire on the top right, green button click on publish live so, this is now published live for people to, see and our second page in our funnel is, now complete over here we can close this, come back to your cartridge pages over, here i'm going to click on my pages, uh click on tripwire campaign and we are, going to go and continue with our, one-time offer page over here page, number three you'll see this one-time, offer page over here is this tripwire, oto one-time offer now we can go and, click on the three dots over here we can, click on get uh edit over here again and, we want to go and edit this page over, here so we can go and edit this, according to our product all right so, now we can go and edit this page and, this is what we're going to do you will, see this cartridge bonus page over here, is a huge advantage i use to build my, cartridge affiliate program but the, thing is i don't use it to rip people, off it actually is a win-win for, everybody because all of these bonuses, over here is worth over five thousand, dollars it's got a lot of value such as, your own done for you one dollar cash, machine funnel your own done-for-you, drop servicing agency your own affiliate, advertorial funnel your high ticket, product funnel your cartridge for that, funnel which is this bonus funnel over, here on the second link in the, description it's going to take you to a, page like this now what you need to do, is you need to go all the way down to, the bottom and it will look like this, the down view cartridge affiliate funnel, there will be a share code you need to, copy that sharecode i'm just going to, blow it out because you need to actually, go down below to go and claim it and, then you come over to your cartridge, dashboard click on my campaigns over, here click on available campaigns over, here you want to click on import at the, bottom right of the screen and you're, going to paste the share code over here, and this entire cartridge affiliate, funnel which looks like this with all, the bonuses that you get to give away is, now on your cartridge affiliate account, which you can use for the tripwire, funnel so what i'm going to do is i'm, going to start off with the title of, this, page of year we can get, get this funnel builder, with, 5 000 uh was it what was the exact, amount, uh what was the exact one five two six, seven so let's go, five, two six seven dollars worth of bonuses, for, one dollar price is going up to, 497, tonight for this little video over here, we can actually go and close this i'm, going to close this and what i'm going, to do is i'm going to go and add an, image let's go to components let's come, over to images we're going to drag the, image on to the, page where the video was and i'm gonna, go and upload this image over here which, i got off my bonuses page over here, which you will get as well don't worry, about that um so right click save this, to your pc over here i'm just gonna save, this into the same folder where i saved, our giveaway, and then i'm going to replace this image, with that so let's click on the edit, style over here click on upload click on, upload image again select the image, click on open over here and this will, now upload to your page where we can go, and replace this image so just click on, the image once this is done loading, click on confirm and click on apply and, there you can see this has now been, replaced over here hurry up this offer, is limited, and what we can actually go and do is, i'm gonna make this actually even seem, better so we're going to click on, components over here we want to go and, look for a countdown click on countdown, over here we can just go and use any one, of these templates i'm going to use this, white one, we can put that there i'm going to, replace this timer instead of this text, and we can put your edit style we want, to select, um, based on landing date dynamic for the, timer we want to make this for example, 10 minutes, so, click on apply and this timer every time, someone lands on this page we'll say, it's a timer of 10 minutes giving people, the idea they only have 10 minutes to, buy this um and then over here one, dollars, your first, month we're gonna go yeah for example, claim, for one dollar is your first month and, then what we're going to do is we want, to click on yes upgrade for 99 over here, um we want to replace this text with, just, one, dollars a month now instead of having, this button set to a checkout what we're, gonna go and do is this entire cartridge, bonuses funnel over here that i showed, you how to get on the link down below, we're gonna go and set this button to, the kartra bonus page which then forces, your leads to go and purchase cartridge, under your affiliate link to get these, bonuses now they only have to purchase, the trial they don't actually have to, stay on cartridge to keep these bonuses, which works really well like i said it's, a win-win so we're going to go and copy, the page over here if we come back to, our contra, dashboard over here you want to come, back to pages remember you've now, imported that funnel like i showed you, with the code it will come up with, cartridge bonuses share over here here, is the bonuses page over here so click, on get code or link, you want to go and copy the page link, over here, and you want to go and set this to this, button over here and we're going to, click on for example, text, and then paste this over link we're, going to click on link to another page, we're going to click on link to external, custom url and paste this over here and, click on apply, just for the text we can go, claim for one dollar, click on apply over here, and now we can click on file save, progress over here now this page is now, saved and published to the internet, let's also just click on publish live, and there we go our funnel is now, complete because we don't actually have, to go and create the thank you page, offer over here or the upsell because, remember the bonuses will automatically, upsell people to cartridge which carter, has its own funnel and thank you page, for you so we don't actually have to go, and worry about this the next thing we, have to go and do is just edit our email, sequences over here so on your quarter, dashboard over here click on my, communications, you want to click on uh communications, and then click on sequences over here, and you will see all your tripwire, product follow up your opt-in all your, follow-ups over here so let's go and, click on for example the follow-up we're, going to click on edit let's go and edit, this email sequence and yeah you can see, all these emails have been set up for, you all you can maybe go and do is just, click on them and go and edit the text, according to your product so you just, click on edit over here and you can go, and edit all the text same with this, sequence over here let me just come back, for you the opt-in sequence if i click, on edit all the emails have loaded for, you that's what's great about kartra you, everything's imported at the click of a, button here you can see these emails, have been loaded so that is this entire, funnel created for you we've got the, opt-in page it will take them to the, low-cost tripwire page the one-time, offer which takes them to the cartridge, bonuses page which then upsells them to, cartridge which is how i made over fifty, thousand dollars with this cartridge, affiliate program then you want to go, and run ads on this funnel using free, google coupons so we can come over to, google and just search free, google, coupons, claim for example and let's go and have, a look at use your promotional codes how, to get a hundred dollar ads words, voucher three legit ways to get google, ads uh promos 170, dollar google ads promises open up a, couple of these websites follow the, instructions on how to get google, adwords voucher for free over here three, legit ways to get google ads promo, credits um, search coupon sites with coupon follow, retailme, claim coupon codes directly from google, um you've got the covert 19 google ads, credits program over here over here is, another website where you can go and get, 170 google ads promo code how to get, free google coupons in google in 2021, yeah you can see is a free google promo, code over again all you do is you just, follow the instructions on how to, actually apply this to your google, dashboard and you can set for example, five dollars a day which will get you, about 100 to 200 views a day on your, funnel the whole point is you want to, grow your email list with this now what, i'm going to do is to help you out even, more if you really want to specialize in, google ads with this funnel i've, actually got an entire google ads um, course on youtube completely for free, it's some of the best videos that i've, posted over the last two years on, youtube on how i run my google ads so, i'm going to leave a playlist on the, screen over here for you, which will go all into depth on how i, run my google ads so you can click on, this playlist over here go and watch and, apply this funnel like i apply other, funnels on these google ads over here so, all you need to do is obviously just, think outside the box you need to set, this funnel to your google ads over here, so go and click on this google ads, playlist and course over here and i'll, see you over there

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