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39 Kata Kata Agar Menang Giveaway Iphone

kata kata agar menang giveaway iphone

Kata Kata Agar Menang Giveaway - Soal Zaki

Oct 09, 2022 · Berikut informasi sepenuhnya tentang contoh caption menarik untuk menang giveaway iphone. Untuk memenangkan iphone gak sesulit yang kamu pikirkan kok. caption … 0

Cara membuat kata kata menang giveaway|terbaru - YouTube

Oct 02, 2021 · Mengutip buku Entrepreneur Talks oleh Herlina P. Dewi (2028), berikut adalah tips mengadakan giveaway agar lebih efektif untuk memasarkan produk: Buatlah kata-kata promosi … 1

Kata Kata Agar Menang Giveaway - Soal Zaki

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Kata Kata Agar Menang Giveaway - Soal Zaki

Aug 10, 2021 · Berikut ini contoh caption dengan headline yang menarik perhatian konsumen : Ternyata untuk jadi langsing dalam waktu cepat cukup minum obat herbal ini! … 3

Komentar Caption Kata Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan Giveaway - Caption Contoh Kata Kata

Jun 01, 2022 · Dan pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin berbagi tips menang giveaway baik di instagram atau twitter. Pilih giveaway yang kita suka. ... Pilih giveaway yang sedikit … Kata Kata … 4

Kata Kata Agar Menang Giveaway - Soal Zaki

Mar 09, 2021 · Misalnya selama seminggu produk-a-day giveaway. Banyak yang bertanya seperti apa contoh hadiah giveaway yang menarik untuk pengguna media sosial seperti YouTube … 5

Cara Menang Giveaway Random Instagram Comment Picker

Jun 11, 2022 · Kata Kata Agar Menang Giveaway. Mar 5, 2022 Mau mengadakan giveaway produk yang dijual di ig untuk menarik pelanggan lebih banyak. Kata-kata yang bagus untuk … 6

Contoh Kata Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan Giveaway Youtube – Berbagai Contoh

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Kata Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan Giveaway - Kata Kata Yang Menarik Untuk Memenangkan

Berikut ini merupakan beberapa contoh komentar menarik untuk memenangkan giveaway instagram yang terbaik dan kreatif: 1. Produk ini benar-benar mujarab lo guys, q sudah … 8

Contoh Komentar Menarik Untuk Giveaway Hp – Berbagai Contoh

Kata Kata Untuk Pemenang Giveaway June 11, 2022 4 months ago Oct 23, 2021 Kumpulan gambar tentang contoh kata kata yang menarik untuk memenangkan giveaway , klik untuk melihat … 9

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alright guys welcome back to jforce, gaming and, um before I start this video I will, announce something really important so, you guys have to listen carefully all, right don't do not skip this video all, right so this thing is very important if, you guys want to win in today's giveaway, all right so we need I need to buy uh, within any time all right on this video, or in this video there'll be two secret, code that will be appearing randomly in, this video right for only one second so, you guys have to I Really watch the, whole video to really catch these two, secret codes all right yes if you need, okay you guys have to re-watch again all, right and this two secret code is very, important all right if you guys have, been chosen for the giveaway I'll ask, you the two secret code for this for, this video all right and if you guys, couldn't give me the secret code you, guys will be automatically disqualified, from the giveaway and another new winner, will be picked all right and these two, single code can also be useful all right, in the future because there will be you, guys can use this secret code to redeem, some some stuff as well this I've been, working on it on this project for a long, time so it'll be up really soon alright, so guys can just save the the secret, code write it down somewhere alright, that will be randomly appearing in this, video so this is very important all, right so just you guys basically have to, watch the whole video and for those who, didn't know all right you guys can also, um subscribe to my patreon members where, you guys can get access to many many, perks or as well as the top tier patreon, member all right the highest tier member, the diamond tier member you guys will, get to receive something from me every, single month all right the items can, ranging from like the sponsor item all, right to even iPhones iPad MacBooks so, and so forth and even the PS4 as well, all right so um why am I giving out to, my patreon members a higher tier member, all right, um it's basically um you guys have been, showing support and building a trust in, me so um and a few of my higher the, diamond tiers patreon members were, actually had received or iPhone's iPad, as well because, um and because of this current situation, I'll be pushing out more iPhones and, iPads to be given up to my patreon, members all right monthly because um, there's a lot of stocks out clear that's, why as you've seen like so many giveaway, like this one all right uh that's, appearing on my channel because I'm, trying to clear the old stocks right for, my warehouse and where I can get in most, new stocks right at the iPhone 14 the, new Macbook M2 all right all the new, affordable phones as well will be uh, included uh in my future giveaway so I'm, cleaning out stocks that's why I've been, doing so many giveaways lately to give, away to you guys and it's it's, beneficial for all of you where you guys, have higher chance of winning as well so, uh once again if you guys have them be, my pretty member yet go ahead and be my, patreon member now all right the link it, will be in the video description down, below the first link when I click on it, and become patreon member where you guys, will stand a chance to win I had a, chance of winning giveaways as well as, receive an item for me every single, month for my highest tier Diamond tier, patreon member all right so you guys, will send a chance to receive an iPhone, as well as what's even better is that, there is the items you receive every, single month from me all right it's, definitely worth more than the money, that you paid for for the Metro, membership so it's very worth it all, right and there's over a few hundred to, 200 video member had already received, either an iPhone and MacBook and iPad or, all the other items as well so um and um, you guys don't want to miss out this, opportunity go ahead and be my diamond, tier member now and you guys will stand, a chance to uh highest chance of winning, giveaway as well as receiving items from, me every single month all right so these, are two announcements right now next, um proceed on to the giveaway so as you, can see right in front of me all right, it's this brand new Sony PlayStation 5, this is the 325 gigs gigabytes one and, two random games will be included, digitally with vids all right so I'll be, here if you are the winner of this PS5, all right I will be uh sending out two, digital copies of the game uh to you to, your email as well so um so yeah of, course this will definitely come with, two games of your choice all right if I, have it in my library all right as well, as you can see we have the iPhone 12 and, iPhone 13 in all different colors to, give way out to you guys so um as I have, stated I have a lot of leftover stock of, iPhone 12 iPhone 13 that I'm trying to, clear out so that's why I've been, hosting so many giveaway lately all, right and um so um you guys want to, start trying to win all right there will, be three the same three different ways, that you guys can win all right so the, first way is I'll be choosing three most, active subscribers on my channel so you, guys can be active for my channel it's, pretty much very easy all right, so all guys can be my most activity just, watch my video from the start to the end, the most number of watch hours comment, actively on my channel and you'll get, noticed and if you notice you all right, well you will get to stand a chance to, win one of this we will pick you and, send one of the items up to you so, they'll be choosing three most FD, subscriber on my channel so just being, active in General on my channel and, you'll get a chance to win as far as now, moving on to the second way is I'll be, choosing three random patreon members, all right so um as I stated in the, earlier part of the video If you guys, haven't been my patreon member yet go, ahead and be my patreon member now or as, my diamond here member you guys were to, receive every single every single month, you guys have will receive and then from, me every single month right as long as, you are still a diamond tier member all, right and you get to receive um iPhones, iPad as well obviously some of the, sponsor items so um items will be, automatically ship out every single, month to you from the diamond tier, member all right as well as other team, members will have um access to other, perks as well as higher chance of, winning giveaways so and so forth so um, so yeah this is pretty interesting so, you guys can check out my patreon page, as well as, um I'll be choosing three patreon, members all right to win in this, giveaway so being my patreon member you, also can get to a patron only exclusive, giveaways like this or between three, um this is the the category for only, patreon members so which is three random, Pedro members win in the the giveaway as, well alright and the final way is open, is basically you guys can comment, anything down in the comment section, down below alright I'll be using this, red YouTube random comment picker to, pick four lucky winners all right that, commented in this video to win in the, giveaway so it's totally random you guys, can comment anything down below, um it's best if you guys can just write, some nice sentence all right some nice, words to me so when I pick you or I can, see your comment and see what you wrote, and um so best if you guys can do not, spam or and please do not spam if you, guys spend the comments it doesn't mean, the higher chance of winning because, once you spam you'll be automatically, eliminated from the giveaway because, when I use YouTube random comment picker, I will always filter out spam comments, so basically spam comments means you, comment the same thing every single time, or you basically comment a lot of times, under the same account or it will be, automatically filtered out so you will, not be even being in the YouTube Remnant, comments because so you won't even be, picked right there's no chance for you, to being picked so please no spam just, comment once uh be fair to others as, well so just comment once and if you win, congratulations and I'll send the item, now to you so it's by luck and so please, giveaway is open to anyone worldwide, anyone can be in any of these categories, all right my giveaways are worldwide and, items will be shipped out to you DHL so, so I can ship up to any if you're in any, part of the country in the world all, right um that doesn't support DHL yes, and tell me which one is the best, shipping option for you and I will, arrange that for you as well but my, standard shipping will be shipped out to, you by DHL which you can receive the, items probably the next day or so so, it'll be really fast shipping and, um, so yeah so these are three different, ways let me do a quick run through three, different ways so the first way will be, a choosing three active subscriber on my, channel and the second way is I'll be, randomly picking three of my patreon, members to win and finally for the, fourth one is I'm choosing uh the third, one I'll be choosing four random people, around 400 people who commented in this, video to win the giveaway so if you are, watching this video and you want to try, your luck all right just commenting and, if you are pick I'll be contacting you, shortly so um so yeah so um the result, the giveaway results or I'll be, announcing the winners one month from, this video was posted so if you guys, want to know the exact date and the time, you guys can check the video description, down below where I will put uh specify, the date and the time which the giveaway, result video will be released and you, guys don't know if you did win or not so, um so yeah if you guys like this video, give it a thumbs up alright and good, luck to each and every one of you and, thank you guys so much for the support, throughout the years all right and do, share this giveaway to your friends and, family all right and um the more share, you have all right the more higher, transfer guys who will get to win as, well so um there's so many ways that you, guys can win so highly recommend you, guys to um participate in any of the, ways right and um yeah so this is jforce, gaming uh good afternoon everyone feel, and I shall see you guys in my next, video peace out, [Music], I Don't Wanna Cry, [Music], I Wanna Cry, [Music]

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