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hello everyone, saying to you guys this time yeah so, today i'm going to be showing you all, physical changes and honestly you can, use any of the scripting methods that, i've already shown you, but um this is specifically for, physical appearance and physical changes, and i just figured you know this was a, really, really popular thing people were saying, oh can i change my um my, my eye color can i change my height i've, seen a couple people say i'm going to, manifest my dream body so i'm going to, show you guys how you can do that, so as usual regular notebook i have a, blue ink pen i like to use blue ink but, you can use whatever, and again i apologize for my nails you, know you guys know how it is, you have them for a while and uh it's, like well time for, time for a new set right so as usual i'm, going to go ahead, zoom in too much i'm going to go ahead, and put, the date which i should know, oh no that's my pen right today's date, and ooh is today the 20th i feel as, though today is the 20th, i believe it's the 20th i'm gonna put, that, and again putting the date is optional i, like to personally put it, um for some people they put no date i, like to put the dates i can come back, and look at it later, um and see oh wow it's been three months, or it's been three weeks since i, manifested, um as usual like i always say as a, disclaimer in my videos i put, dear god when i'm manifesting that is my, personal belief if you don't believe, that that's fine if you, you know that's not you know what you, want to write that's fine i write dear, god because i feel like he is the source, of my manifestations my manifestations, come from come through, um him so i put dear god if you believe, in just the universe you can put your, universe if you believe in allah you can, put dear allah if you, don't believe in anything you can write, it to yourself and put dear me you know, whatever is most comfortable for you is, what you are going to want to write here, because, that is where your belief lies right, so let me zoom out, okay so i'm gonna say, dear god like i said, and i like to start off just by saying, you know, thank you, for blessing me, with such, a beautiful, strong i can't see that sorry, healthy, body, right i love the way my body looks, and feels, now i know some people i've seen also, seen some questions where people said oh, well, you know what if i don't love the way my, body looks right what if i don't love, the way my body feels, you have to remember that when you're, manifesting what is always the main goal, is the end result so when you do look, the way that you want how are you going, to feel about your body you're going to, love the way your body looks because it, looks how you want you're going to love, the way your body feels because it feels, the way you want, right so that's what you're going to put, even if you're not in like a great, energy, quotation so you guys can see a great, energy you're still going to, write that so i love the way my body, looks and feels right, so this is the fun part because now we, get to write about what we want, i was trying to decide what example i, would use for this video, um i've seen a lot of people saying a, lot of videos lately on the hype of, women manifesting um, bigger breasts and i thought about using, that as an example, but you've already got so many examples, so let's try to do something that is, um something that people say is, impossible right they claim is, impossible to do so let's do, maybe height or eye color or, um let's do height because i can also, talk to you guys about, using numbers and manifesting so i love, the way my body looks and feels right, when i wake up so this is how i'm gonna, write we're doing a story on scripting, versus a listicle, but i'm gonna show you guys both so, we're gonna do, when i wake up, actually what example should i use i was, going to do height let's do, um let's say we want to manifest bigger, hips okay let's do that, when i wake up and look, at myself, and my body, in the mirror, i am so grateful for what i see, my hips, are one of, if not, the best, features, of my body, right so what we're doing here is just, expressing the love for our body we are, expressing the love for our hips right, we just look in the mirror we're just, like, my chef's kiss look at this body audio, right, that's what we're writing out right now, we're starting with that first, and so um now we can put, um so yeah now if you want to use, specific measurements you can say, um my hips, are exactly, uh let's put 38 inches, whoops and yes if you make mistake you, can just scratch it up, inches, around, when i take the measuring tape, and wrap it, around my hips, the circumference, is always, 38 inches right, so we are putting out the the love for, our body, right putting out the love we're saying, thank you you know, saying thank you feeling that gratitude, for having a, beautiful strong body overall and just, in general just loving your body, as a as a whole right then we're going, in and we're saying, you know when i get up in the morning, you know i love what i see, i'm so grateful for what i see right and, what do you see, you see that your hips are one of if not, one of the best features of your body, why because my hips are exactly 38, inches around, how do you know this, because when i take measuring tape and, wrap it around my hips the circumference, is always 38 inches, right so we are constantly reiterating, we're constantly putting in the, intention over and over and over again, of, these are my hips my hips look like this, they are exactly what i want, we're just reiterating that fact over, and over right, so after we do this now let's say okay, well yeah i want my hips to be 38 inches, but, i also want them to be rounded i want, them to be curvy you know i don't want, just 38, inch hips and you know i have like um, what some people would call violin hips, and again, not discriminating some people love, their violin hips by all means i'm, using this example just to show you how, you can um, continue you can also do a you can do a, story time, sort of scripting technique and you can, also do a listicle, so we're gonna put so what do we do the, circumference is always 30 inches, 38 inches um, i love the way now this sentence is, optimal you can put i love the way my, hips, are you can say everyone compliments me, on how my hips are so, blankly like right i'm going to put, i love, how my hips, are so, you put so or you can put extremely i'm, just for just for, the sake of this i'm gonna put i love, how my hips are so extreme, lee and then we're going to do a little, column right so this is when the, listicle part comes in, and you can start listing off more of, the descriptive things so let's say you, wanted a smaller nose, you could say right up in here that your, nose is small um, it's thinner or whatever and then when, we get down here you can say i love, how my nose is so extremely thinner, smaller, i love that the aller base of my nose is, so thin i love that my nostrils are so, tiny right i love, um how upturned my nose is you know, everyone tells me my nose, reminds me of like a button right you, could put things like that that are, going to describe, the anatomy of your nose but, back to this i put i love how my hips, are so extremely and then we're gonna, put, wide and broad, right i love how my hips are so, extremely wide and broad, they're so rounded, and curvy, i love how my hips are so extremely, beautiful and, shapely you can put i love how my hips, are so extremely, smooth right, i mean you can put um hair and hairless, if you want to get rid of hair also, body hair right but you can put whatever, you want because this, this little listicle part is the details, right the main goal that we're putting, here with the physical appearance is, the hip size right so let's say you, wanted to overall manifest just your, entire body changing, i would do a formula of um, instead of saying hips take that out and, say, my hourglass body right, and instead of doing the 30 inches you, would just say my body is perfectly, shaped like an hourglass, i love having an hourglass body i love, how my hourglass body is so extremely, and you put you can put rounded and, curvy you can put, um my body is an hourglass shape because, my breasts are this size or because my, hips are this size, right because my waist is this size i, mean, this is probably the hardest thing to, write for because this is subject it's, very very much subjective, and um there's so many ways you can, write about your physical appearance, um i would recommend you know look at, um how novels describe characters, right you can look up adjectives and, things like that to use but this is how, i would do, um physical change i've manifested um, wider hips, but and a bigger bust size but i didn't, do it through scripting it was more so, just um, unconscious affirmations that i was, saying and reiterating to myself very, often, so yeah but we put i love it my hips are, extremely wide and broad, rounded and curvy smooth and shapely uh, sorry beautiful and shapely smooth and, hairless, and then we can also put how your hips, having those kinds of hips make you feel, because we just keep saying that we love, our hips but, why do we love our hips and this is, something else that's very important, when we're manifesting, we want necessarily um we don't always, necessarily want the manifestation, itself but we want the feelings that the, manifestation is going to bring us right, so it's not so much oh we want money or, we want fame you know we want the, love and compassion that comes with fame, right we want the freedom, and the um the peace of being, financially abundant, gives us right we want the feelings and, this is why i say it's important to, write about, um and again you don't have to but i'm, saying for me it's very important to, write about the feelings so i love, um having you know wide hips because, they make me, feel more attractive because they make, me feel more beautiful because they make, me feel more, whatever sorry whatever adjective you, want to put so, having my, ideal hips, makes me feel, so beautiful, so attractive, and so hmm, that's a good word i want to use for, this having my ideal hips makes me feel, so beautiful, so attractive and so, gorgeous we can put whatever we want, here or pretty, i did not speak i don't know why it's, only when i do these videos i'm like am, i spelling this break because i don't, feel like, but anyway so yeah it makes me feel so, beautiful attractive and gorgeous, my hips, my hips perfectly, complement, all the rest, of my body, and i love it, right so now we can say, i love my appearance, thank you so much, again i wrote my letter to god thank you, so much, lord abba, all right thank you so much and then, we're gonna put, um now you can sign it you can put love, whatever i like to personally sign mine, and leave it at that but i'm going to, zoom out so you can see, everything this is the entire, script it's very simple i feel like it, covers everything because we did a story, time, and then we also went back and we did a, listicle to sort of incorporate any, like details that we missed um and, notice that i didn't put, that i don't have hip dips anymore or, anything like that right i don't have, violin hips anymore i only focus on the, positive because what we're focusing on, is the end result and the end result is, our hips being curvy period, the end result isn't oh my hip dips are, gone or they disappeared, okay if the hip dips are gone then what, is present what is there why are we, talking about what doesn't exist anymore, right we're gonna talk about what does, exist which is your hips being, wide broad and rounded and curvy and, beautiful and shapely and smooth, and hair free okay um, i'm i think that's pretty much it i'm, just trying to make sure i'm not like, missing anything when it comes to, physical appearance because, i just felt like this would be really um, i just know that this was something that, was highly, highly highly requested on my channel, and i really did want to, sit down and um, do physical changes because i know that, and relationships are, like high up um if you are you know, um trying to manifest for your career, i'm thinking that was another topic i, would show you how to you can, um script for more specifically because, at this point we've done relationships, we've done listicles we've done, scripting in general, and you know i had made a separate video, for the relationships because i really, did feel like that was something that, you needed to be, intricate and detailed with because, you're manifesting not just a thing or, an object but you're manifesting, an entire an entire human being into, your life, so i really did feel like that needed, its own sort of like video, but anyway this is the script for, manifesting your physical appearance and, i hope that this was helpful to you, um and you know i just wish you all um, you know success with manifesting and um, you know make it fun right go get out, buy yourself some cute little notebooks, like this, okay and um script away and while you, are here on my channel make sure that, you do watch my other scripting videos, because those videos do have details and, tips that are not in this current one, so i wish you the best and thank you for, watching bye

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