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93 Teka Teki Silang Geografi Desa Dan Kota

teka teki silang geografi desa dan kota


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Teka teki silang geografi HAKIKAT GEOGRAFI ID: 3144976 Language: Indonesian School ... Pengertian dan Pola Keruangan Desa by Sri_Peni: Pengetahuan dasar geografi 1 ... LKPD 2 … 3





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tugas kuliah: TEKA-TEKI SILANG

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Grade 4 | Civics | Identifying Our Village and City Government, [children playing], Geniora Primary School, Lula: ♪ I want to go sightseeing, going around the city ♪ [rough translation of an Indonesian children's song: "Naik Becak"], ♪ Want to take a look around, of the crowds that are there ♪ [rough translation of an Indonesian children's song: "Naik Becak"], ♪ So I call the rickshaw, the carriage with no horse ♪ [rough translation of an Indonesian children's song: "Naik Becak"], ♪ Rickshaw! Rickshaw! ♪ [rough translation of an Indonesian children's song: "Naik Becak"], ♪ Try and take me go somewhere~ ♪ [rough translation of an Indonesian children's song: "Naik Becak"], Pipo: Hi, Lula!, Lula: Hi, Pipo!, Pipo: Have you really gone around our city?, Lula: Hmm, I guess not all around yet!, But when I read about our village and city government,, it made me remember this song:, the going around the city song!, Pipo: You've read all of them? Is it interesting?, Lula: Not all of them!, But I got the big picture about the village and city government, What about you? Have you gone around the city yet?, Or maybe the villages surrounding it?, Pipo: Not yet, Lula, But does the government in the village have any activities?, A village isn't even as big as a city, Lula: Of course there are!, The village is the lowest governing institution in our country, A village is a combination of several residents (Rukun Warga (RW)) [alternative translations: hamlet/community association, etc.], Governance is an activity carried out by the government, Pipo: So for a village or city to be formed,, there needs to be people who can lead, right?, They're called governor, right?, Lula: That's correct, Pipo!, Bol: Hey, everyone! What are you talking about?, I heard something about a village, What's up with that?, Pipo: Here..., We were discussing about the village and city government from our lesson earlier, Seems like Lula already read a lot about the government, Bol: Wow, like always, Lula's the first one to read about what we're going to learn next, Here!, Let me try and ask!, Does Lula really know about the government or not, Lula: That's because I like to read, Bol, Just like you who likes eating! Hehe, Bol: Huff! So, what is a village?, Lula: As I recall, Bol... The village is the lowest governing institution in our country, The village is a combination of several residents (RW), If the village has developed, the village can be upgraded to become a village office, Bol: Hmm..., Pipo: Alright, that's enough, You don't have to bother Lula, Bol, It's better if we talk about this while we learn, too, Bol: In that case, I want to know what are the requirements to make a village, It can't be that easy, can it?, Lula: If I remember correctly, Bol, there are some requirements that you need to fulfill:, 1. The population must be considered when forming a village, For example, for Java and Bali, there has to be at least 1500 people or 300 families, 2. The boundaries of the village area must also be determined, 3. Part of the work area of the village can be divided into *hamlets and regulated in village regulations *a small settlement, generally one smaller than a village, 4. Village officials must be available to assist the village head, 5. Facilities and infrastructure such as village offices & village roads are also one of the requirements, Pipo: and the village leader is called the village head, Bol: Whoa... When I grow up, then I can be a village head, right?, From the villages around our city, Hahaha, Pipo: From what I know, Bol, The village is led by the village head chosen by the people [Village = Desa | Village Head = Kepala Desa], and will serve for 6 years, Village heads are not civil servants, So they're paid by the village treasury, Lula: Yep!, One village leader can only lead one village, Then in carrying out their duties,, the village leader is assisted by the village secretary, village officials and the village apparatus needed, The village head is responsible for the village consultative body, or BPD (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa in Indonesian), Bol: Hmm... so where does the village money come from?, in organizing government, villages need funds don't they?, Lula: The funds can be obtained from the village income and expenditure budget [shortened to APBD in Indonesian], and village-owned enterprises [shortened to BUMD in Indonesian], Pipo: Then what about urban villages?, Urban villages are a village-level government agency. However, the village officials must be more economically advanced and in terms of public facilities, Bol: I know! Urban villages must be led by a urban village head [Village Officials = Kelurahan | Headman = Lurah], Pipo: Yeah, but the urban village head is appointed by the regent or mayor, [which is] Different with the village head, Lula: The urban village head is a civil servant, In carrying out their duties, the urban village head is assisted by the lurah's secretary,, neighborhood associations, community associations, youth organizations, family health empowerment, empowerment institutions, Bol: Hm... so where does the urban village get their money?, Seems like their jobs have a lot more work compared to the village head, Lula: Urban villages get their funds to run their government from 3 sources, which are:, 1. The district/city budget, 2. Central, provincial and district/city government assistance, 3. Assistance from non-binding and legitimate third parties, Pipo: Which means... after that there's the sub-district, right?, Sub-district are a combination of villages or urban villages, Lula: Right!, District is a district/city regional device, Bol: Then it must be led by a sub-district head [Sub-district = Kecamatan | Sub-district head = Camat], Lula: The sub-district head is appointed by the regent/mayor at the proposal of the regency/city regional secretary, The sub-district head is a civil servant, so they are paid by the government, In carrying out their duties, the sub-district head cooperates with the military rayon commander, and the sector police chief, The sub-district head is also assisted by the sub-district head's secretary, Pipo: It means that the sub-district head is responsible to the regent / mayor through the district / city secretary, Lula: Yeah., Next, after the sub-district there will be a district or city, which is a combination of several sub-districts, Bol: Wow, it's getting even more interesting!, C'mon, Lula! Tell us more about district/city apparatus!, Lula: To facilitate service to the community,, district/city administration is assisted by several elements, 1. DPRD (Regional People's Representative Council) is a legislative body tasked with overseeing the running of the government and forming RAPBD (Draft Budget Revenue and Expenditure Area), 2. Regents/Mayors are leaders in government in the regions, they are assisted by deputy regents in carrying out their duties, 3. Military District Commander has the duty to protect the integrity of the regency/city area from security disturbances that come from inside and outside the region, 4. Resort Police are tasked with protecting the community and maintaining security and order in the community, 5. State Prosecutor's Office have the duty of law enforcement agencies to sue people who violate the law before the court, 6. District Court are tasked with trying people suspected of committing unlawful acts, Pipo: It seems like there are more jobs in our city, I think I understand better why there are more affairs of the city than those in the village, Bol: Yep, that's right, Pipo!, Lula: District/city government has rights:, 1. Regulate and manage their own government affairs, 2. Elect regional leaders, 3. Manage regional apparatus, 4. Manage regional wealth, 5. Collect local taxes, 6. Get revenue sharing from the management of other resources in the area, Bol: If there is a right there is an obligation, too, right?, Lula: Yeah, Bol! District/city governments have obligations, too:, 1. Protect the people, maintain unity and national harmony and the integrity of the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia, 2. Improve the quality of life of the people, 3. Developing democratic life, 4. Actualize justice and equity, 5. Improve basic education services, 6. Provide health care facilities, [school bell rings], Pipo: Aww, the bell for break time already rang, Time sure flies, huh?, We were having too much fun discussing about the government from the village all the way to the city, Bol: Yeah... I want to do this more often! Studying with you guys!, Oh yeah. I'm sorry, Lula, I wasn't very friendly with you earlier, Lula: I already forgave you, Bol, Let's get back to our seats

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