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48 Teks Moderator Diskusi Online

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Contoh Teks Moderator Forum Diskusi

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thank you very much, good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the second session of, the, each month this is the international, conference on multi-disciplinary, approach for sustainability world, development 2020 my name is diane, sismarin and i'm going to be the, moderator today, and also that you import your students, who work on, um your, um your project it's very good and the, next is um professor, del fox aussie are you with us, [Music], thank you very much, good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the second session of, the, each month this is the international, conference on multi-disciplinary, approach for sustainability world, development 2020 my name is diane, sismarin and i'm going to be the, moderator today, so it's been 11 months since we live in, pandemic and, i believe that every country is, struggling to cope with it and my, university as one of big universities in, indonesia, wanted to give positive contribution for, that, and through this conference, for that, we have three speakers who are already, with us, and we have professor mohan kumar, professor, peter ederwood and professor delfat, oceandi, so professor del fox cindy will be, joining with us later on, and um i'd like to greet, professor mohankumar first hello, hello, yes uh okay, yes i can i cannot hear you, good, and the next is professor peter is, officially, are you with me, yes i am with you hello, a great great all right uh welcome, welcome to this, show yes yes and we are going to do a, presentation to the next still next two, hours, and, you, all the speakers will talk around 30, minutes 30 minutes and then after three, speakers, of presenter topic we'll have a, discussion for about 20 minutes, and, for your information our audience are, faculties researchers, and students also, so it's quite a various background, and, all the audience can ask a question, if you have a question you can ask, your question uh during the discussion, by resting your hand or you can type, your question on the chart and i'm going, to read them for you, all right, can we go to the, first speaker i'm going to have, a professor, muhammad, i'm going to read your profile professor, mohan kumar is a, professor in kerala agriculture, university kerala india, and, he has a lot of publication, i noticed that over 250 papers that, the amount of papers we have in this, conference it's a lot, and, i cannot see clearly, and his expertise, is a functional dynamics of tropical, agroforestry systems and the effects of, forest management practices on ecosystem, processes, and he got an award, first dr kg the 20 award for excellence, in agroforestry research and development, in india to start, 2008., and he's currently an assistant director, general of the indian council of, agriculture research in new delhi, all right, professor mohan you have 30 minutes to, for you to present your, work your paper so please, thank you for your attention, the five minutes i overshot sorry about, that, no uh that's all right it's all right uh, thank you very much for uh professor, mohan kumar and um yes i think that, at the beginning of this um pandemic i, thought that the world is um, taking a break, the earth is breathing but actually it, has um, impact or this kind of impact all, aspects, so we got new insights from your asp, from your perspective, and thank you very much, thank you and we moved to, [Music], professor peter izu, professor peter will, yes, uh all right um, professor mohan kumar could you please, stop your screen sharing yeah i did that, already, oh really okay good thank you all right, uh professor peter is over, are you with me okay good, okay uh i'd like to reach your profile, first professor peter b zoo will be hdbe, is um, faculties in the, penn state university usa, penn state university usa and he pursued, his phd on electrical engineering the, university of tulitu ohio, 30 years ago that's quite a long time, and also, no doubt he's an expert, and his competencies and conceptually, conceptualized the science and developed, importance of resource optimizing access, to limit or called roach lab, and he has published more than 40 papers, and now he is the professor of, electrical engineering in penn state, university, harrisburg usa, so, professor peter, did i correctly um pronounce your name, it's a rule, you do very good very good correct, good all right all right thank you very, much so this is a mid midnight at your, time, well yes so like, almost 2 am so, yes, thank you very much, all right i'll be professor peter it's, your time to present your work you have, 30 minutes, okay, europe has been working very good with, the electricity and it answers all, all that um we are suffering in this, during this pandemic and also that you, import your students who work on um your, um your project and it's very good and, uh the next is um, professor del fox aussie are you with us, yes, okay, all right uh professor osiandi, welcome, and i'm going to read your profile for, this yes uh professor del fox or cmd is, a lecturer in, cardiovascular medicine, in the university of manchester england, since 2009, and, actually he's an indonesian but he sure, is there, he gradually formed a bachelor from, university of arlanga and, masters and also a doctor doctorate in, quiz university of gwen queensland, australia, and um, he has a word he received a word, for the um in 2006 for european society, of cardiology young investigator award, as the first winner, so, welcome professor, cnd so uh, are you going to present your pet your, uh powerpoint by yourself, yes i've got i've got my presentation, here, all right yes you have 30 minutes i have, your your punctual for this, 30 minutes, okay thank you very much, thank you very much professor delfak, and yes i like the idea that um even, though you work in a laboratory but then, you have to transfer your knowledge or, your research, for the community and by, partnering with other health professions, and also that, we see that, this collaboration, have a bigger impact for the community, all right we move to the question and, answer actually we have so many, questions, um first is for professor mohan, how's your government's efforts in, dealing with pandemic crisis especially, in the left livestock sector thank you, professor mohan, all right if i, understood the question correctly, are you referring to the agricultural, sector or the pandemic in general, thank you actually we have 12 minutes so, i'm going to move to professor peter, isabel first, and um for professor izu uh you have, answers, your question on the chat but if you, like to, give additional information please um, just, have you say, okay um yes, thank you and um because i saw on tv, about the, massive migration from um city big, cities to the rural in india a few, months ago and, what about the home gardening because, you talk about home gardening, what's the difference between the, application of home gardening in in the, city and, in the rural areas probably you see both, yeah true yeah regarding, okay all right thank you and one last, question for our professor delphi what's, uh you have one minute to answer, what's your recommendation or what's, your suggestion for scholars from, indonesia to have a better collaboration, in research, thank you very much thank you thank you, very much this is a very wonderful, opportunity thank you for your, opportunity, yes yes, yes, so uh yes i think that uh that we have, to be speakers here and we know that, actually we are handing hand to work on, this um how to solve this pandemic and, every profession take their bit, so i'm happy with that so thank you very, much for, professor mohan kumar professor peter, idol and professor jeff oceandy for, joining with us and, superb my university very much, appreciated, and i hope to see you again and also for, the audience thank you very much for, being a wonderful participant during, this this session, and hopefully see you again, real soon thank you very much

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